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Satoru paraded you around the party like a circus animal. You just wanted to change out of your work clothes and go to bed but you knew he was going through something. So you gritted your teeth and bared it, waving and smiling when your name was mentioned.

At some point you were able to sneak away for a breather and spotted Kole from the shop. He waves and calls you over. "What's up?!" He asks as you make your way to him.

"I just want to go to sleep..." you whine and he pats your shoulder in understanding.

"By the way you have some grease on your cheek." He laughs as he wipes it away. Your eyes go wide.

"My two closest friends saw that I had a grease spot on my face and said nothing?! Those self centered assholes." You grumble and shake your head. "Thanks! Are you at least enjoying yourself?"

He shrugs, "Same old same old. Ooo I wanted to introduce you to a friend of mine. And ask you something." He says pointing over to a man sitting in a corner looking miserable. He wore his long black hair up in two buns on the top of his head, it should look ridiculous but he wore it well. Kole starts to walk over and you follow.

"Choso!! This is Y/N. The one I have been talking about." He says introducing you. Choso looks at you with a bored expression but waves.

"You look how I feel." You say grinning.

He looks at you his expression does not alter, "I feel like I should be offended but I don't really care that much." You laugh and his eyebrows raise, you assume he was used to people being angered by his attitude. But you found it oddly refreshing.

"I like him." You say to Kole who smiles.

"Well good because I wanted to ask you if you would be interested in joining our Sunday DnD stream. One of our players has gotten busy so we had to kill them off." Kole says.

"Honestly a game of DnD sounds amazing compared to the current chaos that is my life. But Choso are you sure it's ok?" You lean over and elbow him, he frowns at you.

"I don't care." He huffs moving away from you.

"I'll fucking win you over! You just wait!" You say enthusiastically as he crosses his arms. "Count me in!" You shout super stoked. Kole smiles brightly at you but his smile falters as he looks past you. You feel arms wrap around your hips.

"Mine!!!" You hear Satoru say darkly pulling down the collar of your work coveralls and exposing the bruise on your neck. Kole's eyes widen in shock and you feel utterly humiliated.

You quickly regain your composure. You grab a fistful of his t shirt and pull him down to your level roughly. "Satoru Gojo... what the hell was that about?!" You say low in a threatening tone. 

"You left me and I got jealous." He whines his eyes a bit wild as he looks over at Kole, sizing him up. You reach up and pinch his ear hard and he tenses.

"Don't look at him! Look at me! I'm the one who is going to murder you. Tell everyone to leave. This party is over." You say sternly. He gives you his best puppy dog eyes but you glare daggers in response. You hear a deep quiet laugh and turn to see an amused Choso.

"Now you show emotions." You target your glare on him and he cowers a bit. Kole puts his hands in his pocket and leans back on his heels.

"We are going to just head out. See you Sunday right?" He asks and you give him a thumbs up and your best grin. Choso stands, gives you one last curious glance and they both head out. "Tell Suga to give you my number!!" He shouts over the crowd as they exit.

"I don't want you to do whatever he wants you to do." Satoru says, you release the hold you had in his shirt, and you push past him annoyed. You walk up to the dj and tell him to cut the music. When the room grows silent everyone looks in your direction.

"I need sleep! Get out!" You shout to the crowd. They look at you for a second and then continue to converse. Before you could get even more upset Satoru steps up and addresses them.

"You heard her. Get out!" He says loudly and within seconds everyone began moving to leave. The entire time you stare at him arms folded in frustration.

He tells the last guest goodbye and as he closes the door you push him against it in anger. "What the fuck is going on with you?" You say low studying his expression. His eyes were wide with shock at your aggressive actions but eventually you felt him calm down.

"Y/N-Chan... I'm sorry!" He says looking to his feet. You lift up his chin and he smiles goofily at you.

"How am I supposed to defend myself? You asshole! Now by tomorrow the whole shop is going to be discussing the mark that you told them you left on me. This won't change anything for you. They are used to you sleeping around all Willy nilly!" You groan pulling away slightly to take in a breath.

"Willy nilly?" Satoru tries not to giggle his head cocking to the side.

"Fuck off! You know what I'm trying to say! They are going to view me differently because you what? Got jealous? What the hell does that even mean?!" You shout pointing your finger in his face. Within that split second something on Satoru's teasing expression falls. He looks almost irritated with himself, as if he was battling an internal battle.

Before you could continue shouting at him to listen to you, he grabs you face and pulls you in for a deep kiss. Your body reacts by pushing against him. He desperately moans against your lips. His hands traveling to tangle into your hair. You feel yourself about to give in when you remember you were pissed for this exact reason.

You push off of him and slap him across the face. His eyes looked so serious, he did not flinch from the pain. His face red from where you made contact. You scoff as you realize he felt no guilt for what he was doing. You shake your head and give him one last glance as you turn away to walk into your room.

You run into a very pissed off Suguru. His body language was one of a panther trying not to pounce on a kill, his dark eyes looking over your shoulder at Satoru. "Night Suga. I'm so done." You mutter numbly walking past. He gently grabs your arm to stop you.

"We need to talk about this tomorrow." He says  softly and you nod. He lets you go after squeezing it lightly to reassure you. You trudge slowly to your room, remove your coveralls and collapse into bed. You close your eyes and allow exhaustion to take you away.

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