What if... (Nanami Edition)🍋

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Thanks again for all the new support! I hope you all enjoy this!! Love you all! 💕

"Y/N..." he reaches for your jaw lightly pulling your face up. "Come home with me?" He asks and your heart races. The look of pure endearment was ever so tempting. You bite your lip nervously. Kento was a good guy. "I won't do anything out of line. I just want to spend more time with you."

"Ok..." you whisper and his face lights up. His hand lightly moves from your jaw to your cheek and you intake a sharp breath. Kento jerks his hand back.

"Sorry..." Kento looks a bit embarrassed from his action, which amused you. He awkwardly crosses his arms and you smirk.

"Stop apologizing Kento." You say sternly.

"Right, sorry!" Kento says apologizing again and you shove his shoulder. He laughs realizing what he had done. He holds out his arm for you to take and you loop yours in his.

As you both began walking to the car your other arm was yanked back aggressively. You glare and see Suguru's dark eyes staring into your own. "Don't..." His raspy voice pleads for you when moments ago in the bar he was flirting with a group of women.

"Why?" You ask him pointedly, curious on if Suguru would give you any reason. Suguru's arm falls from your shoulder and he stands there without a rebuttal. You frown and turn away. "Ready Kento?" You ask Nanami and he nods. You follow him to his SUV without a glance back.

Small timeskip
"Kento your penthouse feels like a museum. There is no life here!" You tease him as he gives you a small tour. You take a sip of some fancy wine he poured you as you both end up back in the living room. You pause by the huge glass window that allows you an amazing look above the city. "But this view?! Top tier!"

"Umm thanks?" Kento says, unsure whether to be offended or not. You grin at him, ever since you both arrived in his space you felt how nervous he was. You could sense he hadn't had anyone over in a while. "Want to listen to music? Or watch something?"

"Sure, play some music. Maybe it will liven up the place." You collapse on the couch and down the rest of the wine. You watch as Kento clicks on his phone and connects to a speaker. He then lights some candles and brings the bottle over. Holding it up you allow him to pour you another glass.

"Savor it this time..." Kento scolds you a bit at how quickly you finished the first glass. "It's meant to be tasted, not devoured." He sits beside you and you feel how tense he is.

"Relax! You take things too seriously, Kento." You cross your arms and pout a bit causing him to grin. You poke his side teasingly but it makes him flinch. "Jesus! I'm not going to bite you."

"Sorry... just not used to company." He mutters and you watch him twirl the glass. You giggle at his discomfort and he huffs. You copy his movements twirling your glass pretentiously and sniff.

"Ahh... smells vintage. Well aged." You wink in his direction causing him to laugh. Then you down the second glass and he gawks at you in surprise.

"You're so damn stubborn. If you weren't so cute I swear!" He pushes your shoulder and you laugh. An awkward silence falls, only the low music fills the room. "I feel that I may bore you." Kento looks at his lap shyly.

"I enjoy your company. You say I'm cute!" You lift his chin with your finger. You notice a small blush on his cheeks and you bite your lip. "What makes Kento Kento?!" You ask to distract yourself from wanting to take advantage of his self consciousness.

Kento looks down at you trying to recover. "Well I have basically been a part of my family business since I was a kid. I was told how to act and talk. What not to do. To always present myself with a sense of dignity. With people telling me how to be I am not really sure. You have me questioning who I am. What I really want." Your heart aches for him. You frown deeply at his words. "It's ok I never wanted for anything."

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