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Jungkook POV

I woke to being hugged by strong arms. I turned around to see who it was. I saw it was Namjoon and Jhope. I smiled and closed my eyes. Next thing I knew I was in the bathroom. How the hell I thought to myself. I was thinking about goings to the bathroom but how did I get here. I started to think about me going to the kitchen and next thing I knew I was in kitchen. So I can teleport now I thought as I teleport to the bathroom again. I turned the shower on and took a 30 minute shower. After my shower I brushed my teeth and changed into some clothes. I checked the time and saw it was 7:40 in the morning. I left the bathroom and went to the kitchen. I saw Han and Lee Know awake talking about how Felix mood swings had been driving them crazy. I chuckled and they looked over at me."Morning Kookie" Han said smiling at me."Morning Hanhan" I said as I walked over to them."Oh I can teleport now" I said as I grabbed my banana milk and started drinking."Really" Lee Know said surprised. I nodded and sat down on the couch.

Lee Know POV

I was shocked that Jungkook got his telportion. I knew Min-Jun has telportion but I didn't expect Jungkook to get it as well. Jung-hyun got it as well. Something is adding up. Jung-hyun looks like Min-Jun, Jungkook looks like Min-Jun, Jungkook looks like Jae-Bong and Jungkook looks like Jung-hyun. Jungkook looks like everyone if I'm being honest. I saw Felix coming downstairs looking for Jungkook. I pointed to the living room and he walked in there. They got up and said they be back in 40 minutes. I wonder what their up to.

Felix POV

We told Lee Know and Han we be back in 40 minutes. We left the house and started walking."So they texted you" Jungkook asked as he looked at me. I nodded and showed him the text.

???: Meet us at ********** by 9:10

It was already 8:56 and we have to walk two more blocks to get to the destination. After 4 minutes we made it to the destination and knocked on the door."Took y'all long enough" a man said as he aloud us to walk in. He closed the door behind us as we walked to the living room."Mama" we heard a voice call from behind us."Hi baby" Jungkook said as he picked up the small hybrid."Mama when are you going to introduce me to my new daddies" the small hybrid said as he looked at Jungkook. The small hybrid is name Jun-Min, he's not Jungkook biological son but Jungkook raised him since he was abandoned by his parents."Today, go grab your sister and y'all stuff" Jungkook said as he sat Jun-min down on the ground. Jun-min ran to grab his sister and stuff. Min-Jae is a 2 month year old beta who was abandoned also by her parents. Jun-Min is a 5 year old hybrid who only trust me, Jungkook and Brown who was the man that texted me. Jun-Min came back with his stuff and his sister who was happy to see Jungkook. Jungkook took her from Jun-Min and Brown got the car ready. After 20 minutes we made it to the house and thanked Brown and said our bye-bye. This is going to be hard to explain to Jungkook mates.

After explaining

Jhope POV

Our omega and Bang Chan omega explained everything about Jun-Min and Min-Jae to us. It took us 5 minutes to process what they just said."So you raised him and you and Felix knew each other before now" I asked as I looked at the two. They nodded as Jungkook started feeding Min-Jae her bottle."This is a lot to process, but we will process it" Namjoon said as he smiled at the happy hybrid with Yoongi."So you have fangs like me" Jun-Min said as he showed his vampire fangs. Yoongi smiled and showed Jun-Min his fangs. Jun-Min eyes spark as he saw Yoongi long fangs. I smiled as I saw how everyone started getting along with Jun-Min."Jin can you do me a favor" Jungkook asked as he stood up. Jin nodded and walked over to Jungkook."Can you take Min-Jae to our room and lay her down in the crib I telported to our room" Jungkook said as he handed Min-Jae to Jin. Jin nodded and walked upstairs with Min-Jae in his arms. Jungkook went to the kitchen and I followed him."Kookie" I said as I took a deep breath then continued, "What's their background story" I asked as he froze and looked at me. He took a deep breath and started."Well Jun-Min story is more tragic then Min-Jae so I'll explain her first" Jungkook said as he continued when he saw everyone walking in the kitchen. We decided to take this in the living room.

Min-Jae past

A baby was born. Born into a world of alphas. Didn't understand anything that was going on around her. The baby was born a beta with alpha intelligent. She had an alpha mind but the rest was all beta. Parents are alphas and wanted an alpha baby boy. The doctors told them that they had a beta with angel wings but can hide it. The alpha parents were disgusted by this. So after all the treatments was done they dumped the baby in a trash can and left waiting to make another baby. A teenager walked by and heard crying and walked over to the trash can and was shocked to see a baby in the trash can. From that day forward the teenager took care of the baby girl and protected her with all his heart even if he couldn't protect himself.

Min-Jae past ends

Jun-Min past begins

Jun-Min was born in a scary world. Everywhere he turned he saw scary stuff that scared him. His father trained him at the age of 2 and would teach him hard-core combat. He wouldn't even let him sleep. He said "vampire's don't need to sleep, they need to train to murder everyone who's not a vampire." His mother was busy cheating on his father and she was a whole slut as bitch who would abuse him everyday that she was high off of drugs or drunk of alcohol. His mother was a druggie and an alcoholic who been going through that since she was 14 years old. Jun-Min was born with drugs in his system. Luckily they got it out of his system when he was 1 years old. His father would hurt him and leave him outside for hours until he froze almost to death. Jun-Min met a beautiful teenager when he was 3 and they became close. After he turned 4 he got adopted by the teenager and their bond became stronger.

Jun-Min past ends

Everyone was angry at the hybrid and beta past. But they are confused on who the teenager is."It's me" Jungkook said as he smiled."I was 14 when I found Jun-Min and 16 when I found Min-Jae" Jungkook said as he smiled at the small hybrid who is curled up in Jhope lap. Everyone smiled at the embrace Jhope is giving to the small hybrid. The hybrid and beta is now safe in their new home.

The LastRoyalBloodOmega|Bts x JK|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora