Chapter 3: I've always wanted to hunt down pennywise

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Dean suddenly stops moving. "Oh, god, please let that be a rifle." Dean says, grabbing Alexis' attention. The gun cocks.

"No, I'm just really happy to see you." A woman's voice says from behind them.

"Shit." Alexis hisses, grabbing the bottle back from Dean.

"Don't move."

"Not moving. Copy that." Dean holds out his hands.

Alexis rolls her eyes. "Come on, I can't go anywhere without having a gun pulled on me."

"You should know something. When you put a rifle on someone, don't put it right against their makes it real easy to do-" Dean spins around, grabbing the gun from the blonde woman. The bullet falls to the floor as Dean shucks the gun. "that."

Alexis turns around. The woman punches Dean in the face. Alexis takes a step back as the woman takes the gun and Dean stumbles back a little.

"Sam, I need some help in here." Dean yells.

"Sorry Dean." Sam says as he walks out with his hands on his head. "I can't right now. I'm a little tied up."

A woman walks out from behind Sam, holding a gun at him.

"Wow, you two suck at not getting caught." Alexis sets her hands on her hips.

"Sam? Dean?" The woman who had a gun at Sam's head asks. "Winchester?"

"Yeah." The two reply.

"Son of a bitch."

"Mom, you know these guys?" The blonde lady who had a gun pointed at Dean and Alexis asks.

"Yeah, I think these are John Winchester's boys." She laughs, dropping the gun to her side. "Hey, I'm Ellen. This is my daughter Jo." Ellen looks over at Alexis. "But I don't know who-" Ellen's eyes scan Alexis before landing on the half an H sticking out from her shirt on her collarbone. She points the gun at Alexis. "No, get her out."

Alexis rolls her eyes. "Come on, really? I didn't even do anything. I'll pay you for the drink."

"No, out now."

"Mom, what is it?"

Alexis turns around. "So, you haven't heard of me." Alexis laughs. "That always makes this more fun." Alexis takes a step toward Jo. She turns the gun from Dean to Alexis, who walks closer until the gun presses into her stomach. "So, I'll introduce myself. Hi, I'm Alexis Hart. You can call me Alex. Or you can pick from one of the many names that every other hunter has assigned me. Murderer, killer, psycho, whore, bitch, slut, I could go on and on." Alexis smiles. "But I can tell by the look in your eye that the minute I said my last name, it clicked. Didn't it?"

"Lexi-" Dean sighs.

"No, Dean, this is fun. So, have you heard the rumors? I've heard a few. I had no clue hunters were such gossips, but....Anyway, I want you and your mother to know. They're all rumors. I'm not what people say I am. Except, you know, I am kinda related to a bunch of murderer's. But, hey, you can't choose your family, am I right?"

"Just get out." Ellen says.

"God, you people are no fun." Alexis complains. "Sam, Dean, either of you gonna help me out?"

"I was going to. Come on, let her stay." Dean looks at Ellen. "She's really not like her family. My dad trusted her. Bobby Singer trusts her. I trust her."

Ellen glances at her. "She makes one wrong move, I'll shoot her."

"I take it that means you want your whiskey back." Alexis holds out the bottle.

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