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"The only person in Oya High that's tougher than him is Kei"


Back in Oya High, the teen Hitome watches on the side as the leader of Oya High and another teen male she got know, Todoroki, fight. Sighing at the sight, the girl stands up to leave, knowing full well that the male who leads the full time students was bound to lose to the leader of the part time students and Oya High. Bumping into the blonde full time student she had gotten to know as Tsukasa, who looked to be rushing somewhere.

"Going somewhere?" The female taunts.

"We're fighting with Yasukiyo Faction. Come with me, I have to find Jamuo." Nodding, the female followed along. 

"Do I have to fight too?" Kei questions the blonde.

"If you want to. Most people are here to fight with you anyway." Shaking her head, she refused.

"I'm not in the mood." The two then spots the stressed male walking.

"Jamuo." Tsukasa called out, surprising the frail male.

 "Yes?" He answered in a panic.

"Gather our men. We're facing off with the Yasukiyo Faction." The male continued to panic at the news. Coming up behind the two males, an unfamiliar male wraps his arms around the two males as the female took a step aside.

"Sounds like fun, as usual." The two males were shocked at the sight. Noticing the female on the side, he tilted his head.

"Hitome Kei, you are?" The teen introduced herself.

"Hitome? As in, the Twin Flames?! I'm Fujio, Hanaoka Fujio." The male exclaims.

"Yes, I'm their younger sister," The female then gives the new face a look, "Hanaoka? You don't happen to have a sister named Kiko do you?" 

"Kiko? You know my younger sister?"

"Ah yes, I met her a few days ago, she patched my arm." The girl shows her arm, that had the healed wound. Nodding, the four started to walk. Fujio explained how he was back. The three led him to where the face off with the other faction would be taking place.

"You want some excitement?" They approached the two groups that were being riled up. Kei rushes to the broken car that was covered in graffiti at the side.

"Tsukasa!" A male from the other faction saw their captain, "Can we kick these guys' asses?"

"Sure, go ahead, but started today our captain is," The blonde male points at Fujio, "This guy." Confused, all the male could do was agree.

"Hey, is that shrimp in our school?" The other males teased. The said males smirked, clapping his hands before getting his hands on. Within seconds, the newcomer had brought down the males from the other faction.

"Hanaoka Fujio." The male introduced himself, punching the last guy, "Starting today, I'm attending Oya High." The female jumps down the car, raising her fist at the male, who returns the fist bump.

"Nice, we should fight someday." The male then starts walking away, Tsukasa, Jamuo and Kei following behind. Heading to the roof, Jamuo had started executing a drawing as the other three found their seats.

"Say, are you two dating?" Fujio questions the blonde male and the teen Hitome, who sat on the couch beside each other. The questioned caused the pair to blush. 

"Of course not." Kei scoffed.

"You'd make a good couple." 

"Jamuo, get on with the explanation." Tsukasa turned to the other male who had just finished his drawing.

"Alright, this was how it all started," The male started to explain, "The boss of Oya High, Murayama, said that the part-time and full-time students would split. He declared that part-time students would stay out of fights among full-timers. "

"Of course they should, " Kei spoke up, remembering their war with Kuryu a few weeks prior, "People lost their lives in real fights. Murayama saw the danger and tried to keep you all safe. "

"So he did it to keep us alive?"

"Mostly yes, I've seen the way adults fight, it's not a nice sight."

"Anyway, I thought Todoroki was the leader of all the full-time students, but he wasn't able to gather the numbers." Jamuo continued.

"How come?" Fujio questioned.

"How come? How come?" Jamuo turned to the male sitting on the couch.

"I was one of them, " The blonde male started to explain, "I'll follow Murayama but I would never follow Todoroki."

"But he's the toughest right?"

"Yes, he's tough. He's tougher than you. The only person in Oya High that's tougher than him is Kei," The male answers, "But I won't be in his gang. If Kei had agreed to take over Oya High and replace Murayama as the leader, then I would join."

"So now, there has been total chaos among the full-timers, and the guys who came out on top are the ones in this Chunchun Faction," The male in the uniform continued to explain, "There's Nakagoshi who controls the second-year students, and Nakaoka who controls the freshmen. At any rate, they've got a ton of guys!"

"No, our problem is..."

"It's these guys that we're fighting now, " Jamuo continued Tsukasa's sentence, "The Yasukiyo Faction."

"Fujio," The blonde male called to his new captain, "You remember Yasushi and Kiyoshi who were in the same housing estate as us?"

"Yes, those two crazy bastards. They were always head over heels over my sister."

"Those bastards are in Oya High now." Just then, distant screaming  from the entrance to the rooftop were heard, gaining the attention of the four.

"Fujio! Long time no see!" The obnoxiously loud scream of Kiyoshi was heard.

"Did you issue a challenge?" Yasushi taunted but suddenly smiled, "We're here to accept." He said with an "innocent" voice, causing Kei to let out a small chuckle. The first time she met these two males, they had already issued a fight with her. Of course, she accepted and easily won. The two are now wrapped around her fingers. For the most part.

"Hey!" Another voice was heard from behind Kei. Turning towards it, Shibaman and Tsuji, two students who were with Todoroki, filled their sights.

"What do Todoroki's cronies want?" Tsukasa attempted to provoke the two.

"Fuck off!" Tsuji replied. This had just managed to rile up the other males.

"If you boys are gonna fight, atleast bring your other guys, I want to join in." Kei pouted, not having fought anyone in a while.

"What?!" Fujio screamed in disbelief, gaining the attention of the males, "Everyone here is from the same housing estate!" He laughs in amusement.

"This is kind of like a reunion."

"Quit fooling around Fujio!"

"Oh, that's right," the male stood up and walked in between the others, "Grandma Sada of Harasawa Market died. We need to live lives that honor Grandma Sada's memory. How did Doroki get injured?"

"What? Who the hell is 'Doroki'?"

"He's your captain," The answer caused the others, including Kei, to let out a chuckle, "Alright, here's what we'll do. Once Doroki's injury is better,"

"We'll decide who's the top dog!"

Twin Flames |A High&Low Fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now