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"Kiko here was recommended to Rose Medicals!"


Approaching the entrance of Kizuna Funeral Home, Hanaoka Kiko spots two of her childhood frieds, Madoka and Seiji talking.

"Kiko? Is that you?" Madoka smiles at the younger Hanaoka.

"Tada! I'm back." The said female smiles as she hugs the female.

"Kiko, welcome back." Seiji greets the teen, hugging her as well.

"Where's your brother?" Before Kiko had time to respond, male screams were heard from behind them, gaining the attention of the three.

"There he is." The teen gives a small smile as her brother was riding a bicycle and trying to escape some males dressed in gray. The male quickly zooms past the three, leaving them astounded at the sight.

"I think we should follow him." Kiko said, who runs after the group, Madoka and Seiji behind her. Arriving at the scene, the three find theirselves in front of the Oochi brothers who had just beaten up the males running after Fujio. Just then, with the bike, the oldest Hanaoka returns to the scene. stopping in between the brothers.

At Harasawa Market, the three explained what had happened to them. As they did so, Kiko was on her computer, seeing an email of Rose Medicals, a lower high school to prepare for teenagers who wanted to study medical. It was a senior high school, and she had just been enrolled.

Enthusiastic, the female grabs her phone and texts the groupchat that contained of her, the three Hitome siblings and Akahana. Sending a message thanking Akahana, she shuts her laptop and puts her bag away along with her phone. At this time, the three males had finished their explanation.

"What?" Madoka repeated the word three times, each time showing more aggression, "So you pinched that bicycle?" 

"I just borrowed it-" The Hanaoka brother attempted to defend himself.

"Really? And the ones who saved this idiot thief are these moron brothers?!" The high school student screams at the Oochi brothers.

"Well," Shinya started, "It's a grown up man's job to help people in trouble." The male said, fixing his coat and tie.

"She wasn't complimenting you." Masaya told his brother off. Beside Madoka, Seiji and Kiko had been quietly giggling as the three men were getting scolded. 

"Thank you so much for coming guys." The owner of the market came to give the group a plate of cucumbers.

"Ms. Yuki!" Madoka excitedly greeted.

"Have some of these." Everyone seeing the curved cucumber, cheered enthusiastically.

"You remember these?"

"Of course! The curved cucumbers." Madoka emphasized curve by following the shape with her hands. The older female notices the siblings as Madoka takes her seat.

"Is that you Fujio? Kiko?"

"Long time no see Ms. Yuki." Fujio smiles and waves.

"Hi Ms. Yuki, still as pretty as ever." Kiko flashes a smile.

"Oh, you're as charming as ever. It sure has been a while, how are the both of you?" Answering with an 'okay', the female turns to tell the group to eat. Fujio stood up and observes the photo of the group with Grandma Sada and them when they were younger.

"Hm? Where's Arata?" Fujio questions as he remembers the male in the photo.

"Actually, there have been some bad rumors going around about Arata," Madoka speaks up, "People say they've seen him hanging around some nasty characters." Seiji and Kiko approach beside Fujio as the group falls in to silence, reminiscing about their friend. Holding her necklace, the younger Hanaoka remembers Grandma Sada's words about it. 

"Listen, with these, you seven will always be together," Grandma Sada hands the seven children some necklaces. It was to cheer them up as they saw two children who were picked up from the market, "There's no need to be upset. Live your lives how you want and stay true to yourselves." The seven children nodded in agreement and thanked the elder woman.

"With these, we'll always be friends." Fujio stood up, holding his necklace in the center of the table. The other six followed along, thus. them three making the promise of being friends forever.

In attempt to clear the sadness of the room, Fujio turned to the male on his right, who was still in his uniform.

"Seiji, how's your school?"

"It's going pretty well." The male casually replied, returning to his seat, the Hanaoka siblings following behind.

"You liar!" Madoka protested, "I know all about you. Seiji is the top of his class at Shutoku."

"Seriusly?" The two sets of siblings exclaimed.

"Being the top at Shutoku means that he's the smartest person our age!"

"Hey it's not only him!" Fujio grabbed his sister who stood behind him, "Kiko here was recommended to Rose Medicals!" It was Madoka and Seiji's turn to be in shock.

"Really?!" Nodding, the girl gave the group a smile.

"I'm starting tomorrow at the campus near Seiho Girls High."

"Awesome! The both of you are the hopes of the Hopeless Housing Estates." The group continues to cheer the two on.

"'The hopes of Hopeless'? That sounds weird." Fujio then suddenly drops his cucumber, wiping his mouth.

"That's right, me and Kiko are coming back to this neighborhood."

"I see. So the Hanaoka duo is back!" Masaya exclaims.

"What about high school?" Seiji asks.

"Yes," Fujio answers in an obnoxiously confident voice, causing his sister to roll her eyes, "Oya High of course. "

"I'll be the highest at Oya High."

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