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"Kohaku, I hate cars."

As Kohaku was about to give the USB flash drive to Masaki, a male with a katana suddenly ran and attacked the two males. The three males engaged in a fight, Hiroto, Fukuno and the twins watching aside. Suddenly, a car appeared and the male gave the USB flash drive to the driver.

Passing by Tsukumo, the former Mugen member lit up a cigarette before running after the car, jumping onto it's hood and smashing the front. Successfully retrieving the USB flash drive, the male started to drive away. Behind him were the extra cars chasing after him, with Fukuno driving the van, Kohaku inside, the Amamiya brothers and Twin Flames on bikes.

Hiroto, who had quickly reached the car, was able to retrieve the USB flash drive from Tsukumo and drove off. Behind him was the same male with the katana who had jumped onto the male's bike and tried to attack. The male inside the car was not able to stop it. Thinking of only one way to stop the car, the male crashed it into a nearby abandoned shop, causing the car to flip. Luckily enough, the male was able to get out without any major injuries.

With Hiroto driving and dodging the enemy's knives, the crash was able to put him at an advantage. Swerving the car sideways, the other male had to use his dagger to stop himself from falling. To his avail, he had fallen, but with the USB flash drive in hand. About to stab it, he was stopped midway as Masaki grabbed the USB flash drive and drove off, with Hiroto and soon Miku, following behind.

Back at the crash, Tsukumo kicked the door open, exiting the car that had been turned upside down. Out of breathe, the male reaches for his pocket for a cigarette only to find an empty pack. As the four on the bikes were able to trick their opponents, Masaki, accompanied by Amaya, was soon joined by the van, while Miku and Hiroto led the other bikers away.

"Take it!" Masaki throws the USB flash drive to Kohaku, who had opened the side door. Catching it, the male watches as the two drove off.

"Hurry!" Fukuno rushes the male. Kohaku quickly opened the laptop when a black van approached beside them, bumping into the white van. This caused Kohaku to fall onto the side and let go of the USB flash drive. As the male engaged in a fight, Fukuno reaches for the laptop and opened it. One of the males notice and attacks the female.

"Get your hands off of me!" She tried fighting the guy off while driving. Kohaku sees this and grabs the guy off of Fukuno then kicks him out of the van. As the two vehicles enter a tunnel, the female does her best to not crash into the other cars. The black van took this advantage and bumped into the back of the white van, causing Kohaku to roll and fall out.

Luckily, he had managed to grab a hold onto the van. The driver of the black van tried to run over the male, fortunately for the struggling male, he was able to get back onto the van in time. As he does, he sees the USB flash drive and grabs it, attempting to get a hold of the computer. Unfortunately, the same male who had a katana jumped onto the van and attacked the male.

"Take it!" He gave the USB to the driving female. As he does so, he engages once more in a fight. At a disadvantage, Kohaku struggled to stop the dagger going onto his neck. The female driving was able to catch the attacker off guard by reaching for the computer. Kohaku uses this to punch the male and get an advantage. Though the enemy's target was Fukuno, the male on top reached for the girl. Opening the door, the female panics and grabs a hold on the car, doing her best to not fall.

Just in time, the Amamiya brothers and Twin Flames caught up to the van. Behind them, more enemy vehicles were chasing after the four. Hiroto rushes to Fukuno, who was on the verge of falling. Masaki goes the opposite side, as a car approaches beside him. He uses this to bring himself up the van, quickly kicking the enemy on top off the van. Looking over the side, he sees Fukuno on his younger brother's lap, driving off.

"Hey." He says to nobody in specific. With the Twin Flames, both girls jumped onto the van, Miku rushing to the driver's seat while Amaya went to help Kohaku fight off the male. A crash was then heard behind them, the vehicles piling up.

"Miku! Stop the van!" Masaki shouted from on top of the van as they reach a bridge.

"The brakes, it's broken!" Breathing, she sees the computer and USB flash drive beside her, "Masaki! You drive!" She goes onto the passenger seat and reaches for the computer. Masaki entered the drivers seat, struggle to drive straight as multiple barrels were on the roadway.

"Miku we're running out of time!" Masaki warns the female, who ignored him in return. Pushing Amaya and Kohaku off him, the male tried to stab the Hitome twin. Masaki sees this and fights off the male.

"Amamiya! Press it!" Kohaku screams as he struggled to defend himself. Amaya quickly rushed to the two males but was quickly kicked away. Seeing this, Miku shoves the computer the the Amamiya and runs after her sister to prevent her from falling off the van.

"Press it Amamiya!" Kohaku shouted once more. Quickly doing it, he pressed the enter button, and the countdown has started.

"We have to go!" The twins turned to the males.

"We're right behind you!" Masaki told the two females and signalling them to jump. Just as the van went off the road and into the water, the two males ran and jumped. Unfortunately for them, they had misses the bridge. Falling, their hands were caught. Looking up, the Twin Flames had grabbed a hold of them. Struggling, the girls managed to bring the two up on the bridge.

"Did you do it?" Kohaku struggled to catch his breath as he turns to the Amamiya.

"Yea, I did." The group was soon joined by the rest on the bridge.

"Kohaku, I hate cars." Tsukumo sighed. As the 4 stood up, Fukuno was clappig from behind them.

"Yey," She exclaimed as the 6 passed her, "Now where's my van?" Looking to her, Masaki gave a small smile.

"I'll get you a new one."

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