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"This is way too boring."


"Why is the Iemura family after SWORD?" The group of 5 were now gathered together to hear the information gathered from the Noburo.

"It's not just them, it's the entire Kuryu group," The male started, "You know about the redevelopment project right?"

"Yes, everyone's talking about getting evicted."

"Years ago, a plan was made to flatten the Nameless City to make way for a huge casino," Noboru started explaining, "At the same time, they would redevelop Sannoh and the surrounding neighbourhoods. Rights to the casino are worth millions. That's why Kuryu drove Mugen to disband to control the area. "

"That's why they attacked the leaders of Mugen." Miku breathed out.

"So it wasn't a Mugen grunt."

"There's no proof but I wouldn't put it past Kuryu, and, even if there was proof they would figure a way out of it.

"Do you mean?"

"Yes, that cop is in Kuryu's pocket." Knowing who the cop they were referring to, Amaya sighed and shook her head.

"So that asshole of a cop is involved right?"

"But after Mugen disbanded, SWORD emerged."

"That's why they came after me. After they crush SWORD, they'll definitely eliminate Kohaku."

"But something bothers me."

"How Kohaku gathered all these soldiers right?"

"Something's backing him up?"

"I think, it's a foreign mafia, " The male closes his laptop, "This is just my opinion, but if Kohaku manages to control SWORD, what comes next is a clash between Kuryu and the foreign mafia.

"That must be Kohaku's objective. "

"That's how he'll get revenge on Kuryu." The two males of Sannoh realizes.

"But, if this town falls into their hands, it'll fall into darkness. "

"Then we got to make sure it doesn't. " Miku encourages. The group soon dispersed into their own. The twins ended up riding their thoughts away. They both knew that the next day would be a pain, and that it wuld exhaust them both. Joy rides were their way of relaxing.

Morning soon rolled in and the twins made their way back to Sannoh. There they saw Yamato and Cobra, talking to their 3 members, Dan, Tettsu and Chiharu. Knowing what's happen next, the girls made their stop infront of the males.

"Where do you boys think you're going without us?" Miku smiles.

"No, you two are not coming with us this time."

"Nuh-uh, you're not my dad, nor my boss, so I don't have to do what you say. We're coming along, end of discussion."

"Just tell us where you're going." Amaya states out, getting tired of the bickering between the Sannoh leader and the younger Hitome.

"There were deaths in Nameless City. This fight, could cost us our lives. "

"Every member of Sannoh is prepared for that." Dan courageously replied.

"Yes yes, it's not like the Twin Flames are dying anytime soon."

"Get all the guys together. "

Soon enough, the Sannoh Rengokai were all together, with the girls on leading the group, riding towards the courtyard the Rude Boys had fought in yesterday. Miku, smiling, adrenine all over her body as they rode, excited to be a part of a major fight. On the other hand, Amaya had her calm expression has she rode with a lollipop in her mouth prior to her sister throwing away her pack of cigar. On their way, they stopped as theybspotted a certain three.

"Hey Cobra!" Murayama calls to the leader but then notices the twins, "Is that? Twin Flames?" He asked excitedly.

"Murayama. "

"Murayama, the leader of Oya High," Miku waved as Ayama nodded towards the boys, "Say, after this let's have a fight. One on one." The Oya High leader smiled, giving an indirect answer with his reaction.

"Is that all of you?" Dan sarcastically asked.

"We're not a part of Oya High anymore." The male proudly stated.

"What do you mean?"

"We graduated from Oya High." One of Murayama's friend stated.

"We can't involved the others in such a dangerous fight. Cobra smiled and revved his bike, the group once again started moving. Amaya followed behind Sannoh and Miku waved goodbye to the male before continuing. Not too long after, the group was joined by the rest of SWORD. Now in a group, they all headed towards the courtyard.

"Let's get our sister back."


It was now night time as the group made it to the yard. SWORD was now gathered together as Mighty and Doubt were at the other side. The four remaining leaders of SWORD along with the twins were up front. An intense silence fell over the two groups as everyone waited but was soon faced as both groups ran to the middle and clashed. Except for the twins of course, who just both walked for the "cool look".

That was soon ruined as a member from Doubt tried to attack the younger Hitome. Now that both girls had their hair up, the Twin Flames tattoo on their necks was out in the open for others to see, and that had caused a chain reaction.

"The Twin Flames are here!" The male from Doubt screamed, causing the rest of the members to cheer, as they now tried to fight the two girls who were able to fend theirselves better than most of SWORD, if not, all.

"Oh come one! Is that the best you guys got?" Miku taunted as she threw another guy into the ground.

"This is way too boring, " Amaya kicked a guy away from her, punching him in the face causing the male to pass out. She then took the lollipop stick and threw it on the guy, "Trash belongs in trash."

"Say, Miku, can you handle these guys for me? I got to find where they brought the girls." Amaya kicked off another male, pushing her heel onto his chest.

"Go get her back."

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