𝑼𝑺𝑩 𝑭𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒉 𝑫𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒆

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"On the bright side, it's somewhere we know."

"He worked for the Kamizono Family?" Masaki states in disbelief.

"What do you mean?"

"He had been waiting for an opportunity to infiltrate the Kamizono Family," Aika explains, "He finally succeeded. If he told you guys, he would've gotten you in trouble. He said that's why he left. I don't know what I would've dine without Takeru. It was just me and my dad, he was my only family."

"So that's why he was with our sister." Miku realizes.

"What is he trying to do?" Hiroto questions, "It must be about the USB flash drive. "

"But we don't know what's in it." The home phone then started to ring, alerting the five. Hiroto signals for the girl to answer it.

"Hello?" Aika answers.

"What? Who's this? Where's Takeru?" A female voice rang out.

"Who's calling?"

"Takeru asked me to access the USB flash drive."

"Seriously?" Masaki cuts out.

"Who are you?"

"His brother. Where is he?"

"How should I know? He asked for my help but never came back. That's why I called."

"Where's the USB flash drive?" Aika questions.

"I have it, but I want out."


"If I try to copy the contents, they automatically get deleted. It must seriously be dangerous stuff."

"I'll take it out of your hands. Tell me where you are. " With the information the group gets, they find theirselves back at their bikes.

However, Masaki and Miku are giggling while Amaya had an amused expression on her face. On the other hand, Hiroto was annoyed at the outcome of his bike. It turns out that the female had his bike fixed with a pink passenger seat, utterly being noticeable.

"Hey! What is this?!" The younger Amamiya shouts, expressing his annoyance and anger.

"Now I can ride behind you."

"What?" This lets both Masaki and Miku burst out laughing. The younger Hitome twin gives a thumbs up to the female while the older Amamiya questions the girl.

"When did you do this?"

"A minute ago." Impressed, Amaya pats the girl on her back while the two annoyingly continues to tease the younger Amamiya.

"What's wrong? You get to ride two-up."

"Yea Hiroto, it's a nice touch to your bike."

"Why not your bike! Or yours!" Hiroto shouts at the laughing duo while walking towards his bike.

"The guy said he could only put it on this one."

"Ahh, too bad. I wanted to ride a two up with Aika."

"What a joke." Hiroto slams his hands on the seat, trying to rip the seat off.

"It's not like I want to ride with you!"

"That's not the point!"


"Hey let's go, you navigate." Masaki orders as he calms himself off, leaving only the younger Hitome still giggling.

"Hey!" Hiroto continues to struggle.

"Drive carefully." Aika says as she puts on a pink helmet, making the four turn their attention to the girl.

"Drive carefully, Hiroto my dear." Masaki continues to tease.

"I'll hold on to you, my beloved Hiroto." Miku follows along, only to receive a light slap on her head by the youngest Amamiya. The group then soon sets on their way to the given location of the USB flash drive. Soon arriving at the destination, the group enters and finds the a girl in a hood, sitting in front if a few computers. There, she showed what was inside the USB flash drive.

"These are real big shots." Hiroto says, after seeing it.

"Can you also open the remaining files?" Masaki questions, "They could tell us where our brother is.

"I don't really want to touch them, they could be booby trapped."

"Please help us." Aika pleads the hacker.

"I don't think I can." She replies, pressing a few keys. The screen soon turned red.

"Oh, fucking hell," She says, hurriedly gathering her stuff, "Damn this USB drive. Can I go now?"

"Hell no!"

"Please! We really need to see Takeru," Aika then bows, "Please!"

"No way."

"Please! He must have given this to you because he trusted you." Masaki tries to convince the girl.

"I still can't do it."

"Hey, you can't just quit." Hiroto joins.

"I can't do it alone, that's what I was trying to say," She walkes around the group, "I need my talent pal. I'm going to get him now."

"You can do this elsewhere?"

"Bingo! That's what I'm saying." She smiles before turning to the group one last time.

"It's in the SWORD area. You've heard of it right?" Sighing, the group turns towards each other.

"Back to SWORD again?" Masaki whispers.

"On the bright side, it's somewhere we know." Setting off on their way, the group reaches the Sannoh district, heading to the Itokan Diner. There, the girl meets up with Noboru as they start talking, with Tetsu, Chiharu and Dan on the bar counter and Cobra at his usual seat.

"I have two favours to ask," The female starts, First, I want to use this place. Second, I want help from the egghead gangster."

"Don't call me that." Noboru retorts.

"Egghead." The girl continues to tease, poking at the side of his head.

"Knock it off."

"Hey, how do you know each other?" Masaki asks the duo.

"From an underground website." The female hacker answers, "When he was in the Iemura Family, he handled all the Internet related tasks.

"The Iemura Family?"

"That was all in the past." Walking in the diner, Yamato storms inside.

"Damn it's dark! Turn on the lights hag!"

"Shut up!" Naomi retorts, pointing to the group. Looking over, Miku smiles and waves to the Sannoh member while Amaya nods in acknowledgement.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?"

Twin Flames |A High&Low Fanfic|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora