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"Here, let me help you." An unfamiliar female voice spoke up. Kei looks at the owner of the voice to see a teenage girl, probably around her age. 

"Oh, thank you." The young Hitome gives a small smile. The girl kneels down and starts wrapping the teen's bleeding wound.

"You're lucky it's not that deep, meaning you won't have to go to the hospital," The new female says as she finishes wrapping the wound, "I'm Kiko, Hanaoka Kiko." She looks at the teen.

"Hitome Kei." 

"You remind me of my brother," Kiko sits down beside the teen, "He likes to fight a lot. Always coming home with a bunch of bruises on his body, leaving me to patch it up. That's why I'm taking up medical."

"Why not try to stop him?"

"I've already accepted the fact that it's his happy place. As his younger sister, my job is to support and help him the best I can. Plus, I actually found myself wanting to be a nurse." Soon, two bikes came into view and Kei was able to make out who it was. Her older twin sisters and Akahana riding behind Amaya. Stopping in front of the two, the three females approach the two teens.

"We've been looking for you. You suddenly disappeared." Miku scolded the female.

"Who's this?" Amaya notices the new female.

"Kiko. Kiko, meet my older sisters, Miku and Amaya. This is Akahana. She helped me with this." Kei moved her arm to show the wound that had been bandaged up. Sighing, the three females thank the girl.

"That's actually properly bandaged. How'd you learn that?" Akahana studies the teen Hitome's arm.

"Oh, I've been looking into some medical things. I was planning to take nursing as my college course as soon as I finish high school."

"Which university?"

"I'm not sure yet."

"Why not recommend her to your university?" Kei suggested to the older female, "Kiko, this is Kagami Akahana, granddaugther of the infamous Dr. Hakiro." 

"No way really?" The female looks at the short haired older, who nods in return.

"I can give you a recommendation to Rose Medical University, but we have to go now."

"Murayama managed to somehow get you into Oya High, you'll also be staying with Cobra for now. We agreed. It's best for you to stay there for now until we get a proper place." Amaya told her younger sister. Bidding goodbye, the females get ready to leave. 

It was a start of something new for the teen. Of course it was, she had met a girl from her age, and will be meeting more of her own age. She didn't have any other expectations than a school full of kids who loved to fight, but she did expect them to be pretty strong.

This was the start of Hitome Kei's version of high school school.

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