𝑺𝑾𝑶𝑹𝑫 𝒗𝒔 𝑫𝒐𝒖𝒃𝒕

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"Friends aren't always on one side."

At the Itokan Diner, the whole Sannoh Rengokai were together.

"How's your family's business?" Chiharu asks Tetsu, sitting beside the male.

"I don't know yet," The male sighs, "But we're probably done."

"It's not just Tetsu's place," Dan joins the conversation, "At this rate, more businesses will have to close down."

"We have to do something to protect this town." Cobra buts in.

"Do what?" Dan scoffs.

"As Sannoh Rengokai, what exactly are we fighting against?" Chiharu asks the leader.

"Ask Noboru."


"Sannoh Rengokai is where Noboru belongs right? It doesn't involve us so we don't get it." These words have seem to trigger something in Cobra, who slams his hand on the table and turns around, immediately being met with Dan. Everyone else in the diner stood up the stop the two. Just before anything else could start, 3 members of Ichigo Milk rushed inside the diner.

"Hey it's starting!" The members all kept quiet.

"Are you guys not going?" Ishikawa questioned.

"Shut up. "

"It's not just Doubt they're fighting," Oshiage said, holding her phone and approaching the others, "Hey Shiba, Nonoriki, get a shot of Doubt." Everyone glanced at the video call, seeing both girls on the screen.

"Shiba reporting from the scene."

"Nonoriki here, sending now." The video then shows Doubt as they were passing by.

"It's them from that day." Yamato turns to Noboru, recognizing two of the males.

"They were hired by Doubt."

"Thanks for the info." Cobra thanked the girls.

"It's no longer just between Rascals and Doubt."

"I'm not joining this fight." Dan announced.

"What?" Yamato exclaimed, "What's your problem?"

"You would neglect Tetsu and help a guy who neglected the alliance?"

"Rocky rejected the alliance to keep SWORD out of this fight," Cobra defends the White Rascals leader, "Tetsu, did you struggle for your family? Did you do everything you could? Trust me."

"I'm not with you anymore." Dan stated, walking out of the diner. Half of Sannoh Rengokai follows behind him, including Chiharu and Tetsu.

"Cobra..." A concerned Noboru calls his bestfriend.

"Friends aren't always on one side." Seeing this happen, the teen Hitome walks out from her spot and walks up to Cobra.

"If you end up fighting alongside White Rascals, please let me join." The female bowed.

"No Kei, you can't. "

"Yamato's right, you have to focus on finding a school to go to." Noboru and Yamato tried to reason with the teen, but was ignored.

"I was trained alongside my sisters, I can keep up, please let me go." She bowed once more.

"Fine," Cobra agreed, "You can come. Let's go." The remaining members of Sannoh Rengokai headed out to their bikes. Kei hopped onto Yamato's bike and the group headed out to the train station where Rascals and Doubt were.

As they reach the place, the gang went straight to middle, where Rocky was grunting on the ground, beaten up. Creating a circle around the male, Cobra was the first one off the bike. Talking with each other silently, Cobra turns his head towards the male in a red coat.

"Perfect. I'll crush you both." Attempting to approach the male, the blonde leader of Sannoh was stopped by Rocky. Soon chaos erupted once more in the station. Kei had been able to keep up, holding out on her own. Kicking one doubt member down, she caughts sight of another female. Noticing the staring teen, the older woman turns to her.

"What's a kid like you doing in a fight like this?" The female approaches the teen.

"Helping out, you?" Shrugging, the two females engaged in a fight, Kei keeping up with the older female. Just as the older female was about to dig into Kei's face, the teen had managed to block off the kick, using her two arms. Quickly spinning around, she elbowed the female in her stomach, causing her to stumble back. Just before the two girls returned to their fight, they were disrupted by two trucks crashing inside, the blue colour on the outfits on the males standing out. Murayama, face full of bruises, led the gang.

"Let's go assholes!" Another fight had started, Oya High joining this time. Sighing, both girls turn to each other.

"How obsessed are they with grand entrances?" The older female questions the girl.

"From what I've seen, 100/10." The girls then resumed to their fighting. By this time, Yamato had engaged himself in a fight with a male he had encountered a while ago, Noboru finding himself going against a male with broad shoulders and Cobra facing off with another blonde male.

At a different part of the station, a blonde male, almost bald, had beat up a few guys from White Rascals. Just in time, Takeshi from Rude Boys ran had crashed through, causing the males from Doubt to fall. In an instant, he had kicked the males down on the ground as they stood up as the rest of Rude Boys joined in before arriving beside the blonde male.

"You got some good friends. " Takeshi turned towards Kizzy.


"They came to Nameless City looking like that." Yu pointed to two males that were dressed in pop rock outfits.

"They would've been hunted down. It's good they came." Defending and helping the rest of Rascals, Rude Boys jumped from one place to another, fighting off the Doubt members.

Back with Ranmaru and Rocky, the leader of White Rascals was now able to fight back, having found more strength. Though, two Doubt members held onto the blonde male as Ranmaru hit his head with a metal tool. Stumbling into the car behind him, Rocky had struggled to catch his breath, blood trickling down his forehead. From the catway above, a laugh had been heard.

"Hey, you look pathetic." The leader of Daruma Ikkai taunted the males below. Looking up, Ranmaru smiled seeing the male.

"Hyuga, you're finally here." He greeted his old time acquaintance.

"Yea," Hyuga replied, grabbing a hold onto a rope in front of him and swinging down onto the Doubt members, attacking them, "To get in your way." He stood up, looking at the Doubt leader.

"What?" The male exclaims in confusion.

"I can't trust someone who dumps his men like garbage." Behind the Daruma leader, cars could be heard. Looking back, a car pulling other men in wooden boards arrived, the shiny red cloaks representing the Daruma Ikkai gang. As the car swerves, the men immediately joined the fight.

"What are you taking so damn long with this scumbag for?" Hyuga sarcastically questions the Rascals leader, who stared at the male in return, "This is a SWORD matter. We'll handle it as we see fit."

"Hey," Sakyo, a member of Daruma Ikkai, said, "You picked a fight with Rascals. "

"That means you picked a fight with SWORD." Another member said.

"In other words," two other members said, "this," another two continued.

"The SWORD Alliance. "

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