𝑾𝒆'𝒓𝒆 𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌

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"Whether you admit it or not, we're still stronger than you."


Alot has happened ever since Mugen disbanded, including the current situation of SWORD. In which, each gang had encountered one of the two, Mighty Warriors or Doubt. In the case of Sannoh Rengokai, Doubt had managed to make a mess out of it's town, and that is now what these girls were looking at. The Hitome twins had just arrived back in town to find boxes and other things thrown on the ground. Parking their bikes, the two observed their surroundings.

"What the hell happened to this place?" The younger twin asked. Amaya faced her sister at the question with an expression.

"Let's just find Cobra for now." The woman answered. Nodding in agreement, the girls headed straight for the most obvious place, the Itokan Diner, where they would most likely find Naomi, a long time friend of their's from back then. Nearing the door, the two heard a few all too familiar voices.

"Something big is about to happen. The explosion in Nameless City, Doubt's activities. It's something much bigger than before." In a plan in mind, Miku rushes to open the door with a teasing look on her face with her sister following behind.

"Is having the streets all messed up your way of welcoming us back?" Heads turn towards the girls. Yamato, who was in the middle of his meal, started choking.

"Miku! Amaya! " He stated, coughing.

"Hey Yamato." The older brunette greeted, nodding towards the male. Looking around, the younger raven haired female spotted her favourite male.

"Cobra~" She teased, skipping over to the said male, pushing him to give her space on the couch where he was sat. Not paying attention to the bruises he had on his face, she reached for his hair and combed it up, causing his whole face to be shown.

"It looks better that way," She smiled, "Anyways, we leave and this is what happened here? Gosh, boys these days." Miku teased as she rolled her eyes in a jokingly manner. Amaya, who had now found a seat beside Yamato, was talking away with the female behind the counter.

"Say, Naomi, you still remember how to make my favourite? "

"Of course I do. " Smiling, Naomi started to make her friend's food, but was soon stopped as a male barged into the diner.

"Hey! They're back!" He stated, causing a chain reaction.

"Wait, who's back? Huh?" Miku asked confused as she stood up to let the Sannoh leader pass through. Turning towards her, he looked at her sternly.

"Stay here, we can't have you girls getting hurt."

"Hurt? Whether you admit it or not, we're still stronger than you, so like it or not we're coming along." She pushes past Cobra and goes after Yamato. Looking towards the younger twin, Amaya shrugs and follows her sister out, causing the male to sigh and make his way out.


The gang was now back at the diner, beat up and resting. Yamato was getting his wound patched up by Naomi, Cobra and Miku were sat together and Amaya had her head layed down on the bar as she was once again off to her own world. The only thing that had brought her back was the short bickering of the two beside her.

"Hey! That hurts!" Yamato complained with a mouth full.

"Stop eating!" Naomi reclined.



"It's not just us." Chiharu stated out. The girls have managed to get to know everyone in the Sannoh Rengokai during the fight that had just occurred.

"Someone's probably trying to takeover SWORD. " Everyone was silent after the statement made from Cobra. Although, that silence was broken due to the male's phone vibrating. As he answers it, his face changes to a shocked face, causing Miku to wonder what it was. This little action even causes Yamato to be alert. Right as soon as the call ends, Cobra then faces the others.

"Yamato, twins, come with me." Curious, the group of 4 heads towards their bikes as Miku showers Cobra with questions and Amaya yawns.

"Do I have to come?" The older twin questions. A look from the Sannoh leader has her eyes rolling, obvious the the other three that the girl was clearly not in a mood to go out once again.

Following the two males, the twins, Yamato and Cobra arrive at the place where Mugen formerly hung out. Slowing to stop their bikes, they find a male with his back facing them.

"Kohaku! Where were you?" Yamato greets happily as they hop off their bikes, "Don't tell me you're crying again because you're so happy to see us."

"It's been a while Kohaku." Cobra greets, "We haven't seen you since that day."

"Is that really you? Jeez, your aura seems a bit off." Miku smiles, although her sister shushes her.

"Sh, something's wrong." Amaya whispers to her younger twin. Even though the brunette was more of the silent type, Miku knew to listen to her sister at times like those because Amaya had always been able to feel when a problem arises.

"What did you want to talk to us about?" Cobra questions the older male.

"Are you Sannoh's leader Cobra? From now on you do as I say." Kohaku replies in a calm yet dangerous tone. This alerts the four.

"Kohaku, what are you talking about?" Yamato asks in a shaky voice. The girls in the back had stayed quiet, observing the older male standing in front of them. By now they had realized that the Kohaku they were talking to is different from the past.

"SWORD will be mine. "

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