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"I'm a woman, you're a man. We're just friends"

"The Kamizono family." The girl states.

"Kamizono?" Masaki questions.

"Of the Kuryu Group," Hiroto answers his brother's question, "One of it's nine families. So who are you? Why are you here?" He approaches the still unknown girl.

"He said he would be here with her."


"Takeru and Kei." She turns to the four.

"You know our brother? And who's Kei?"

"She's our sister." Amaya simply states.

"Where are they?" Hiroto questions once more.

"I can't reach them." Annoyed, Hiroto turns away and sighs.

"Tell us what you know. " Miku looks at the girl. Soon enough, the 5 made it to a shabby apartment building. The Hitome twins and Amamiya brothers observe the building.

"He's been living here?" Masaki questions nobody in particular.

"With our sister?" Miku sighs in disbelief. Following the 4 was a taxi, where the girl, who they had learned the name of was Aika, was riding.

"Hold up!" She exits, running towards the four, "You wanted to talk, so why did you leave me behind?" She sarcastically states as she approaches the group.

"We had no choice. We can't take passengers." The older Amamiya points to their bikes, that had no passenger seats.

"You guys are good looking but useless." She retorts, getting a look of disbelief from the younger Hitome twin.

"Even me?!" She questions, only to receive a look from the female.

"Come again?" The younger Amamiya brings his attention to female.

"What?" Aika turns to the male.

"What's your problem?" Hiroto approaches the female.

"What's yours?" She provokes.

"Stop flirting, let's go." Masaki stops the two. In the back, Amaya rolls her eyes at her sister who was teasing the two, making kissy faces and hearts. This was soon stopped by the older Hitome twin, who pinches Miku's ear and pulling her along.

"We weren't flirting." Hiroto annoyingly states, seeing his brother and Miku tease them. With this, the group starts walking up the stairs, with Aika leading them.

"Wait," Masaki stops the other three from following female, "Isn't she too young to be Takeru's girlfriend?"

"I'm not interested." Hiroto scoffs.

"I'm not his girlfriend." The girl in question stops on her tracks as she hears the question.

"What? But you lived together."

"Moron, just because they lived together doesn't mean they're together." Miku lightly hits Masaki at the back of his head.

"I've just been crashing here since a week ago." The girl states.

"That's even worse, I won't stand for it," Masaki says, a hint of annoyance and anger in his voice, "Men and women can't be just friends."

"Enough, get going. " Hiroto stops his older brother and starts following the girl, using his hands to tell her to keep going. Miku soon followes behind while her sister stops beside Masaki.

"I'm a woman, you're a man. We're just friends." Amaya simply states before following the two.

"One of them is definitely horny for the other, and who says I only see you as a friend Amaya." Masaki retorts but follows the group while making hand gestures. Arriving inside the apartment, the small group stops by the entrance as papers were thrown everywhere, making a mess of the house.

"Can't our brother keep things neat?"

"Not likely."

"I bet it was those guys. " Running inside, Aika heads straight to a room, seeming to look for something. The four slowly walks inside the apartment, observing the place.

"You know, our factory was in this redevelopment district." Masaki states, as he sees the newspapers on stuck on the wall. Amaya follows the male, looking at the papers.

"Miku come here." Following her sister, she looks at the wall.

"Your factory was there too? Our family's hotel was also there." By this time, Hiroto had joined the three, looking at the newspapers.

"Why is Takeru investigating these stuff? And why is he with your sister?" He turns to the female, "Hey, tell us everything you know. We've been looking for our brother for a whole year. They've been looking for their sister too. We've finally tracked our brother to Nameless City, but he was already gone. But that guy said, our brother was no longer the brother we once knew."

"We want to find out for ourselves, about our brother, " Masaki once again turns to wall of newspapers, "I mean, look at all of this. When did he become so diligent? Who is this guy?" He turns to an old male on the paper.

"He's the boss of the Kamizono family," Aika says as she exits the room and looks at the picture, "One of the families of Kuryu Group, an unorthodox new force that eliminates anything that gets in their way. When conducting business, they always wear white as proof of their loyalty to the organization. They don't hesitate to kill. "

"But they'll get arrested. "

"They destroy all evidence. Without any evidence, there is no crime. "

"Why were you with Takeru and Kei?" Hiroto questions, "It must be quite a story. You should tell us now." He faces the girl. Aiko heads near the wall and grabs a book, turning to a certain page before giving it to the younger Amamiya.

"'Mr. Naruse, a lawyer, was found dead in his home on the 23rd. The police are investigating his death as a suicide.'"

"He would never kill himself," the girl justifies the man, "He was my father. He was always standing up for the underdogs. People threatened with eviction or tormented by loan sharks. He defended their cases. One of his cases involved the Kamizono family. When he was investigating them, he acquired a USB  flash drive that contained a big secret about them. That day a year ago-"

"What was on that USB flash drive?" Masaki distrupts the girl.

"I tried to access it but it was password protected," She answers, "But three days ago, Takeru left and took the USB flash drive with him. I don't know where he went, I can't get a hold of him."

"So that's why you were looking for him."

"But what does that have to do with our sister?" Miku asks, in which the girl shrugs.

"I don't know. He just told me her name. Hitome Kei." Stopping, the twins froze at the name. It was a name they hadn't heard for a long time.

"He did the same to us," Hiroto states, remembering when their oldest brother left without a word, throwing the book, "He left us without saying anything."

"Hiroto." The older Amamiya tries to warn his brother.

"Doesn't ge trust us?!"

"You're wrong!" Aiko disagrees, "Takeru didn't want you guys to know that,"

"He worked for the Kamizono Family."

Twin Flames |A High&Low Fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now