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"I may be a damsel, but atleast I'm the one putting others in distress."


As the fighting continues, Amaya scurries through the men, trying to find her way through the cargos. As she was on top, she had a clear view of the fight scene. Frowning, she finds that SWORD were slowly losing the upper ground as more men from Doubt appeared.

Back down at the ground, Miku grunts as she pushes away the males that had ganged up against her. At the same time, 2 bikes made their way in the middle, clearing their path. Smiling, the raven Hitome stays put in her place as the two males on the bike stop in front of her.

"Amamiya you late bastards." She grins at the two.

"Amamiya? Hey!" Everyone stars running just as they notice the brothers. Miku hops behind Masaki as they start driving once again. The males from Doubt runs behind the trio, but was cut off just as a cargo was laid right behind them. The three stop and immediately start to fight Doubt members. At the same time, Amaya, who had been travelling above the cargos, had appeared above the brothers and Miku.

"I might know where the other girls are. I'll head there now. " As the small group follow the girl on top, they were stopped by more Doubt. This time, a male with blonde hair and tanned skin was leading the group. Eyeing the group, Amaya snuck around and made her way once more.

"Fancy meeting you here, " The male says as he cracks his neck, "Let's continue where we left off yesterday. "

"Masaki, Miku, take care of the others. " Questioning his younger brother, the said male started fending himself off as the younger girl smiles, pushing herself up the cargo's side and jumping down onto the men. The trio was now forced to only rely on the other Hitome to find the kidnapped women and bring them to safety.

Miku used her heels to her advantage, dealing more damage to the males as they continued to her. One Doubt member had managed to punch her, making her stumble for a bit. Touching her lips, she feels the blood. Masaki, who had noticed this, smirked.

"You're dead now." He says, as the younger female smiles widely. She runs up to male and uses her surrounding to jump onto his shoulders. As she did, the female starts hitting the male's head with her elbows, before letting herself hang and uses her leg to flip the male onto the ground. She punches him one last time and knocks the male put. Turning to the rest, she flashed a taunting smile.

"Is Doubt really this weak?" Aggravating the said males, they rushed towards her and started to throw the female some punches, in which the female easily avoided most with her flexibility.

As the fighting continued, Amaya, who had been silenting sneaking through, found herself in a fight by the cargos that supposedly had the females taken. Unlike her sister, she wasn't that flexible. But she was still pretty strong and was able to handle all the punches that had hit her. In a matter of minutes, she found herself opening the doors, to find so many other women. Looking through, there were no traces of her youngest sister. A female seemed to have read her.

"There was another girl that was taken to a different place. " Nodding, she ushered the women out, assuring them that they were now safe. Meeting her out was Masaki and Miku and a loud cheer of boys. Guessing that SWORD has won, the female let out a small smile.

As they made it to the container, they noticed that it was already opened. Coming out was the Amamiya brothers with a girl.

"Is she the only one there?" Miku asked. Hiroto replies with a yes, causing the twins to sigh in disappointment. It wasn't their sister. Nodding, the girls headed back to the rest of SWORD. As they got there, they noticed all of SWORD were there, except for the Sannoh Rengokai.

"Hey boys, where's Cobra and Yamato?" Miku grabs the attention of the boys.

"The Twin Flames in flesh. How does it feel to be two women in a world of men gangs?" The leader of Daruma Ikka teased.

"Red? You must Daruma Ikka, and since you're the one up front, then you must be the all too famous Hyuga." The younger twin smiles and waves, which was returned with a small nod.

"Women should not let theirselves get hurt." A raspy voice let out.

"Oh if it isn't Rocky, the protector of women," Miku turns toward the male, "I may be a damsel, but atleast I'm the one putting others in distress." She sticks her tongue out to the obvious older male.

"Hey, it isn't over yet." Hyuga's voice interrupts the female. Looking over to who he was talking to, it was the Sannoh Rengokai.

"What?" Cobra replies in confusion.

"It wasn't Kohaku who torched Nameless City." A male wearing a green coat states.

"It was Kuryu and Jangsung. " Rocky states.

"Well, make sure you don't get yourselves crushed. Tell that to the weakling."

"Hey, why are you acting like the boss?"
Yamato and Hyuga both exchange glares which was once more interrupted by the voice of the one and only Murayama.

"Hold it right there!" He rushes towards the Sannoh group, "Hey Cobra, can I join Sannoh Rengokai after I leave Oya High?" The question caused a chain of disbelief, including Cobra himself.

"What do you say Chiharu?" Turning towards the newest member of Sannoh, the boy stops himself from smiling.

"Me? I say, no way." This answer caused another chain reaction of chuckles.

"I was only kidding anyway you morons." The leader of Oya High retorts in disappointment.

"We'll head first, don't try to get yourselves killed idiots." The girls bid goodbye and left. To this, the girls were left pondering, where had their sister gone to?

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