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"Crush anyone who interferes!"


Running towards where the others were, Cobra rushes in, surprised at the sight. An unfamiliar girl happily smiling with a Smoky who was alive, Takeshi, Lala, P and Yu. Kei, noticing the blonde male, marched towards Cobra and smacked his head, causing the leader to let out a small shriek.

"How dare you!" She screamed, gaining the attention of the others, "You let yourself get kidnapped?! If you had died, and things didn't go well here and Smoky died, how the hell are we supposed to deal with two dead people huh?!" A few let out some amused expressions.

"Sorry...?" Not knowing if he should apologize, the male let out a small smile while rubbing his head.

"Are you back forever?" Lala asks her childhood bestfriend.

"Unfortunately no," She sighed, "I help my mom run a hospital in Tokyo, going by the name Rose Hospital."

"So why are you here?" Hiroto asks the unknown female.

"I'm sure most of you know the history here in Nameless City," She gave a look to Smoky, "If not, all I can say was that there are left over toxic waste that I'm afraid some of you digested. Kei told me a few days prior, I never believed her so I came here to confirm myself. But seeing Smoky's condition confirmed everything."

"What do you mean?"

"Who of you knows Dr. Hakiro?" This statement caused a few confusion.

"I do, what does that have to do with anything?" Hiroto answered.

"My mother is Hakiro Hana, the only daughter of Dr. Hakiro Keigo," She announced, "My mother knows the cure for it. She can help the citizens who are affected. She can cure Smoky." This statement caused the others to cry in happiness.

"She's making it here, she said she'll help the best she can for now while everything is being processed," The female turns to Smoky, "Smoky, my mother wants to talk to you, she needs to see you." Thinking, the other members of Rude Boys, along with Lala, encouraged their leader to go.

"What about Kuryu?"

"We'll take care of them, go and get cured Smoky." Takeshi reassured the male, Nodding in defeat, the male gives in and agrees.

"Great, we have to get you to my mother right now."

"What's your name?"

"Akahana Yuna, but I prefer to be called Rosie."

"You have to stay here," Hiroto tells the female, "Smoky too."

"What? No way!"

"We have a plan, but we need a victim and a weakness."

"Then I'll stay but Smoky can't. Kuryu already almost killed him."

"Uhm, I don't think we should be discussing this here, the Iemura group is still out there. We need to evacuate." Kei reminds the adults. Nodding, Rosie turns to Smoky.

"Come with me. I have a car waiting, it'll bring you to my mother."

"I'm not going to go on my own."

"Oh my god, I'll go with you," the teen dramatically sighs, "I'm sure these guys won't let me in the plan anyways." Nodding, the female turns to the male.

"Please Smoky." Defeated once more, the male agrees and the three leave.

"Takeshi, I'll meet you by the tunnel, then we'll meet the rest." With that, the group split.


Now at an abandoned building, Takeshi and Rosie had joined the others. Cobra had the crystals in hand that Kohaku had given. Though, the male still looked distraught.

"Cobra," Kohaku hovered over the male, "That day, I was saved by your strong will. That is the reason I want to live right." He said.

"If we expose everything, we can definitely destroy Kuryu this time."

"Cobra!" The familiar voice of Yamato echoed out. Entering the room, the Sannoh gang, along with Miku and the members who had left a while ago, came in pride.

"The Sannoh Rengokai is with you." 

"Let's crush Kuryu!" Cobra's expression softened as he saw his former friends who had left with the gang. The sound of bikes caught the attention of the group as the obnoxious white of White Rascals filled the sight of the group.


"Long time no see," The leader of Rascals greeted, "You haven't changed at all. Nobody calls me by my last name."

"Are you guys also in?"

"We'll destroy Kuryu to protect women. That's all." Coming from the entrance once again. The truck containing Oya High members drove in, the color blue filling the room.

"Shouldn't you guys be studying?" Tsukumo calls out sarcastically.

"You're right," Murayama answers, "We're a bunch of idiots. So you have to make sure we don't get employed by the wrong people." He makes a bow.

"Hey," The voice of the Daruma Ikkai leader calls out. At one side of the room, a car light turns out, revealing the last gang of SWORD, "I told you didn't I?"


"You have to go through Daruma if you want to party in SWORD."

"It seems like we're all on the same page."

The twins, Amamiya brothers, Kohaku and Tsukumo now stood in the middle of the 5 gangs, who were all arranged in their own groups.

"Do you guys know about the toxic waste?"

"We just heard." Murayama answered.

"We can destroy Kuryu if we can expose the cover up. By doing so, we need a statement from the factory director and evidence of what they did, as well as victims."

"And that's enough to protect SWORD?" Rocky asks.


"First, the factory director," Hiroto took out the photo, "He also has half the evidence."

"That one and a half out of the three things we need."

"Where is he?" Tsukumo asks Takeshi, who's currently leading Rude Boys.

"We know where he is."

"Secondly, we have a family of Dr. Hakiro."

"Who?" Daruma asks.

"Me," The voice of Rosie gains the attention of the rest, "I'm his granddaughter. My mother was pregnant with me when she was forced to take the drug into the system, gave birth to me after she had digested the cure and completely healed, causing me my body to house a cure for the victims." She explained.

"Along with that, I have the other half of the evidence with me. That's three out of the four things we need."

"Third, we need a victim."

"Smoky can't come." P said.

"He was a victim?" Yamato stated in shock.

"I think I know another victim." Lala turned to the men.

"You mean Eri?" P connected the dots, "She should be at the test center."

"Tsukumo and Sannoh go with Lala to find the victim," Kohaku started planning out, "We'll find the director. Twins, make sure Rosie isn't taken by Kuryu.""

"Hey, what about us?"

"Crush anyone who interferes!" Kohaku answered.

"This is the final fight."

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