Crosshair's pov
I watched as the somehow intimidating, tall figure walked up to me. I watched as her two blasters moved side to side following her hips, and the flashlight outlined her small waist. she stepped up and began to pick my cuffs. I looked into the black mirrored visor of the commando's helmet when I noticed how the ticking of the cuffs slowed as I felt whosoever eyes stare into my own. Just then my cuffs released and I began to fall forwards. The figure quickly caught my taller frame and helped me down off the stand. "Thanks," I grumbled. Just as quickly as she appeared she had moved on to Wrecker. She began to unlock the cuffs when Wrecker lifted his bloodied head weakly. "Wha-" He began. "Shush it's okay trooper, you fought well," Commando whispered when suddenly his full body weight fell upon the easily foot shorter woman. I lunged forwards to try to help the woman hold him up, but to my surprise, the woman did not stumble nor did she move under the weight of my brother. "Well, that was unexpected." Tech proclaimed as he supported Hunter. The woman carried Wrecker down from the stand and she began to carry him towards us. "We need to get your brother to a medical center. He is sincerely concussed and has brain damage." The female commando proclaimed. This made Hunter immediately straighten and stepped towards the commando. "How do you know?" Hunter asked. "Well number one I was trained as a field medic and I've seen brain injuries." She added. "We need a distraction to get out." Tech proclaimed as he began to attend to Wrecker. "Good thing I've got one." She commented. "It's going to have to be a big distraction." He proclaimed as he began to wrap Wrecker's head. "Yeah, it is, only problem is I can't do the distraction until I get you guys somewhat out of the facility." She shrugged. I crossed my arms as I went over and grabbed my weapons. "Then I say we get a move on," I commented. The woman turned to me and nodded her head. Hunter straightened up and moved to help support Wrecker. "Okay, which exit can you use to get to your ship the fastest way?" She asked. "The south exit," Tech answered. "Okay then I will go to the northern exit can gain the attention of the enemy." She affirmed. "Are you sure you can take them on yourself?" Hunter asked. The commando pulled out one of her blasters and cocked the blaster. "I would be more worried about those who find themselves in my crosshairs." She commented. "Any idea how we are going to get out of here?" Tech questioned. I watched as the commando hurried up to the door, she suddenly thrust her hand forward and the doors went flying off their hinges. She pulled out her other blaster and went dashing down the hell. "Was that a Jedi?" Hunter asked flabbergasted. "She has a red blade, clearly she's not." I snapped.

Seren's Pov
I hurried down the hallway and began to fire down upon the droids. They fired back, but as usual, they were not quick enough. I jumped up into the air and spun in the air, firing the blasters as I spun. The droids fell to the ground in defeat, I placed my blasters back into the holsters and pulled out my knives. I hurried down the hallway, heading towards the control room. "Hey stop right there?" A couple of droids pronounced as they readied their weapons toward me. I threw the knives into the droids, removing their heads swiftly. I recoiled the knives and held them between my fingers. Suddenly two commando droids popped out. I placed my knives back into their pockets and whipped out my saber. I charged at one of the commando droids and jumped at it. I impaled it through the chest, then I back-flipped spinning my saber to decapitate it from its neck. I landed on my feet and then swung my saber up on a diagonal, slicing the droid in half. I spun around and shoved the tip of my saber into its chest. I turned to the command center room and shoved my hand forwards. The door went flying off and crushed a couple of nateborns. I whipped out my blasters and quickly shot down the last remaining men. I stormed forwards and moved towards the computer and shoved a datastick into the computer. I remembered the words that the council had given me as I began to search through the computer. I went to the call logs and began to search through the history, just then I spotted a call that I was possibly dreading. The location of the call originated from a certain district on Coruscant and the call came from someone I wished hadn't called. I furrowed my brows as I searched for the rest of the call logs, and took a picture of every instance the person called. I then moved to the locations of droids factories and copied it onto the data stick. I erased any trace of the factories and quickly disconnected the datastick. I placed the datastick into one of my pockets. I quickly hurried to the door and saw an army of droids marching toward me. I pulled out my two blasters and began to shoot. I weaved in and out of the blaster bolts, and I watched as droids fell. I pulled out my lightsaber and deflected the bolts back to droids. I chucked my saber as the droids and then sent a massive tornado towards the droids. I recalled my lightsaber and placed it back into its holster on my back. I hurried down the hallway and out the north exit just as a black republic Omicron-class ship with the gangplank down. I jumped up onto the ship's gangplank. I grabbed the side of the ship and looked over the separatist compound once more. Then I pulled out the detonator and held it in my hand. I turned around and saw a certain large trooper eying me. "Hey trooper, do you want to blow the place sky-high?" I smirked beneath my helmet. The tired, barely conscious trooper gave me a sneaking grin. "You know right it." He grinned. His brother moved him over to the edge of the ship and I handed him the detonator. Then one of the taller and thinnest troopers appeared at my side. I raised my brow at him but brushed him aside. I watched as excitement rose from within him. Then he clicked the detonation button, it was silent for a moment until a thundering sound erupted, sending the remains of the compound flying in all directions. "Hahaha, how did you do that?" The wide grinned trooper asked while the others stared in shock. "Ehhh I rigged my brother's fighter with a seismic charge." I admitted. "Well, I think it's safe to say your brother isn't getting his ship back." The brown-haired trooper with a skull tattoo said. He then guided his large brother back to a bunk. The gangplank closed and the ship door swished shut. I reached up to the pocket where my med pack was. "Alright how about I take a look at your head wound." I sighed. "How do you know field medics?" The thin trooper hissed out. I raised my brow and turned towards him. "I completed and passed my field medic exam with record-breaking scores." I countered. Causing the men to pause including the pilot who had moved us into space hyper. "When did you do this?" The pilot asked. "About three weeks ago." I shrugged. They immediately went silent and I turned towards the trooper on the bunk. "Alright, can you weigh your pain level?" I inquired. When he suddenly went stiff and his eyes went rigid. I let out a huff and looked into his eyes. His pupils were now wide and dilated. "Great.." I mumbled. Then to my horror, I watch a thin trickle of blood leak down from his nose, when he suddenly spewed a thick coat of vomit onto me. I went stiff as the vomit dripped down my body. I flicked my hands throwing the vomit off of it, I brought my hands up to my visor and whipped the stomach bio off of it. I pulled out one of my knives and then carefully cut the bandages off of the side of his head. I saw flesh, bone matter, and blood seeping out of his head. "Get in contact with the nearest Venator, he needs a brain surgeon immediately." I commanded. "Will he be alright?" The skull tattooed man asked in a gruff tone. "It's too early to tell, I can't use bacta because pieces of his skull are embedded into his brain. He is definitely looking at long-term brain damage." I huffed out. When his face suddenly twisted into a pained expression. I quickly pulled out a sedative and slammed it into a hypo-syringe. "Whatever sedative you have it won't work." The googled trooper proclaimed. "It's Jedi-issued Tranqarest. It's powerful enough to keep a rancor sedated." I argued as I pushed the needle into his neck. The trooper's eyes rolled into the back of his head as we moved into hyperspace. I held my footing as I got used to the speeds of the ship. I then ripped out the plastic cover of the allis tissue forceps in one hand and in the other I pulled out the suction tube to suck out the blood, so I get a clear view of the damage. I used the magnification of my visor and spotted twelve chunks of bone matter in his brain. I carefully began to extract the bone from the brain. "Do you need any help?" The voice of the googled trooper asked. "Nope." I said popping the P. "I just need to concentrate." I added. Soon I finished removing the bone matter. Just then the blood began to collect again. I grabbed the suction tube again and sucked out the blood from the wound as I removed the damaged flesh with both hands.

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