Part 88: All I Want

Start from the beginning

Aoi crumpled to the ground, crying out in pain. Righty raised his foot high and she rolled out of the way right before Righty stomped where she was. The earth shook as Righty pulled his foot out of the crater he had made. He roared as a red flame spewed from his mouth, and Aoi continuously kept away from imminent death. Aoi finally got a good foothold and burst to the side, jumping over another wave of fire. Screw the sword. She didn't need it.

🎵Take in your breath,🎵

🎵And feel it deep in your chest!🎵

Aoi took in a deep breath...

And she felt it.

🎵Because I know...🎵

🎵That you can do this!!!🎵

The faintest of fuzzy warmth in the deepest recesses of her chest.

She gritted her teeth and charged towards Righty. His eyes widened and he whipped the flame he was spewing out of his mouth back toward her. She changed directions and ran to the side, the fire licking her ankles as she sprinted. Righty was beginning to worry that he'd actually end up seriously hurting her, and his flame waned the slightest bit.

Aoi capitalized.

🎵Your power will rise like Never before!!!🎵

Aoi turned on a dime and jumped over the cone of flame, landing on her feet and turning to Righty with an iron conviction to finish this. She yelled out a roar of fury as she broke into a sprint toward him.

🎵Just tap into the power deep in your core!!!🎵

Righty panicked and whipped his head back towards her. He was utterly amazed at the sight in front of him. She was doing it. She was channeling Hamon, and she glowed brighter than any other user he had ever seen.

🎵We're waiting for you!🎵

Aoi took in a deep breath and bathed herself in the golden light, dodging straight through the fire. Her skin lit up with searing pain, but she didn't care. The fire in her heart burned far brighter than this flame. The closer the flames got to her, the brighter the golden light in her chest glowed.

🎵For you to tap into!🎵

She disappeared into a flash of golden light as she waved through the flames. Passing through them in enough time to be unscathed by the searing heat.

🎵The Golden Ripple...🎵

"What the..." It was beginning to dawn on Righty...

🎵The Golden Ripple!!!🎵

"She..." Righty's eyes widened.

🎵All I wanna be...🎵

"She's using my techniques!!!" Righty realized how similar this footwork was to Serpent of the Stars. Righty shut his mouth before roaring, letting out a pulse of flame from his entire body.

🎵Is the boy who gets to see...🎵

The golden energy traveled up her fist, lighting it with crackling energy. She was about to be bathed in flames, but she didn't care. She made a fist as she finally reached him, and as the flames finally washed over her...

🎵The Golden Ripple.🎵


Aoi roared and planted threw a golden fist so powerful, and so fast that it displaced the flames and blasted straight into Righty's Sternum. The sound of bones shattering was heard before Righty was sent flying into a tree.

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