Forgiving is hard

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A request by unforgettwb1e! If the oneshot AU's seen mixed up and confusing, yes. They definitely are.

It had been days since the Hallowmas party at Deucalion. That evening, from being worried about missing the whole party and hurrying to there, Jupiter forgot about what he had witnessed when visiting Squall through the Gossamer line.

Few days later, the memory came back to him.
Squall had killed another human. That was so not okay.
Jupiter was calmly sitting in a comfortable armchair, listening to Fen being mad about someone disturbing her today. He zoned out for ine second, and like a flashback, the horrible memory was back.

Jupiter hurried back to his room. Fen didn't care, well, she didn't show that she cared..

"You're finally here. Good. I wanted to talk to you."
When Jupiter walked in the room, he heard a voice that could have been something that wouldn't send fear and disgust feeling all over him.

"I do not want to talk to you. You literally killed someome in front of me! How could you! I thought that you changed! I hoped that you would finally be like a normal human being. I'm so disappointed.."
Jupiter said. There was so, so much more he would have liked to say.

"The man that I killed deserved it! And you know it. Don't even deny that. What if he was thinking something bad about someone that you cared about?
Wouldn't you want to make him be gone too? Wouldn't you like to make him be in so much pain too?"
Squall said.

No, never. I wouldn't kill someone. I'm not a monster."

"And I thought that you forgave me.."

"I could never. I never forgave you. I never even cared about you."
Jupiter said harshly.
It's not the truth.

Ezra looked like he's hurt. Not physically, but emotionally. Well, how could anyone be okay after someone that was so nice, suddenly turned on them?

"Good talk, Jupiter.."
Ezra said, and walked away. He could have just went back to where his actual body was, but oh did he had to make it a bit more dramatic by slowly turning away and walking out.

It was too late. What had he done.. he made someone feel hurt. And that someone wasn't even someone who he considered an enemy anymore. Ezra was a friend.

A week had passed. There was a lot of work, Jupiter was tired, he tried to not think about the fight that he had.

While walking on a sidewalk, he heard some yelling just around the corner.
He quickly rushed there to take a look at what's going on.

There were 4 people. One of them was someone that he knew. And what a coincidence that it was the one who he had a fight with, just a couple days ago.
The most strangest detail was that Ezra didn't look like he was here by the gossamer. Something was different. This was not good.
Did he hate Squall? Definitely.
Did he miss him a lot too? Unfortunately, yes.
Jupiter couldn't just leave a.. friend in a dangerous situation.
But why wasn't Ezra using his wundersmith powers?!
F#ck it, he's going in to stop this.

Ezra had his road blocked by 3 other guys. One of them looked drunk, the other's thoughts just.. similar to the guy that was killed by Squall.
The 3 guy's were harassing Ezra. That's just unacceptable.

"Back off!", Jupiter said loudly, in his intimidating voice.

Two of the guy's turned to him.
"What's your problem? Can't you give us all some space?"

"I would, if you wouldn't be committing  a really hurtful crime! Let go of him right now!"
Now he was getting mad. He already made a plan of what to do, with multiple back-up plans, just incase.

"How about you mind your own business?!"
The 2nd guy came up to Jupiter and tried to push him back.
He wasn't really successful on doing that. And also, by attacking 1st, he had made the biggest mistake that he could. Attacking someome for no reason gives the other person a permission to attack back as much as they seem fit. And oh, how angry was Jupiter!

He fought off the 2 guys really easily. Either they underestimated Jupiter, or they were just weak, but throwing some intimidating punches worked, and the 2 ran away.

Now there was the drunk guy, who Ezra was trying to keep back. One problem with drunk people, that are way too drunk to be okay, is that they have barely any filter of what they are doing. Now the drunk guy was trying to put even more force into not letting Ezra escape.

How drunk was that random guy? Probably even more than Jupiter had expected.
When Jupiter went up to him, the guy didn't even notice, and when Jupiter lightly pushed him to the side, the guy fell down in a puddle and started cursing about something.

"Are you okay?"
Jupiter asked Ezra.

He didn't even need an answer. Of course Ezra wasn't okay! He was visibly scared, and now, also relieved that Jupiter saved him.
Without even thinking much, he quickly went to hug Jupiter.
The nice hug was given back to him. This felt safe.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to get so mad at you those days ago."
Jupiter said.

"It's my fault. You got mad at me because I killed someone, and that is normal."

"But you were hurt. That's what I don't like. You are my friend. I always cared about you, well, always from the moment we became not so much enemies. Don't even dare say that "Wundersmiths don't have friends". You do have friends. And you have me."

Ezra felt better now. At least the fight was over. Plus, he was saved from 3 random guys, who saw him as a weaker person. How rude.

"I have one question."

"What is it?"

"How are you like.. here? You don't look like you're here by the Gossamer line. Should I be worried?"

"No. I'm not in an evil mood right now. And the answer to your question - Exiting tricksy lanes.
Something about being in them while using the gossamer line, and exiting, makes a glich. That's how I'm here."
Ezra explained. They started walking to Deucalion.

"Why weren't you protecting yourself from them? You are much stronger then me, well, considering that you're a wundersmith."

"You think that I'd want to cause a mass panic? If I take my revenge, I don't give my mercy out so easily."

"Thank you for not getting anyone hurt. I appreciate that. When we get back to Deucalion, what would you like to do there?"

"Drink something and maybe go stargazing, like that one other time?"

"Sounds good! We have a plan, and I won't let it fail."
Jupiter said with confidence.

Ezra gave Jupiter a small smile. And noticing that, made Jupiter much happier with some sweet warmth in his heart. Maybe he shouldn't get mad at this sweet but psychopathic wundersmith that easily. And as wrong as it is, the guy that was killed, definitely deserved it.

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