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Oneshot idea was given to me by idkwhatimdoing25ab. Thank you. I am getting really sleepy right now, and I haven't checked if there are any mistakes. I hope that you enjoy reading this.

Morrigan was taking a walk back to 'Deucalion' from a nearby shop. They were there to get some evening snacks. Before that, they went to some other fun places. Hawthorne was walking with her, but since the Sun was slowly settling down, and it was getting dark, he had to hurry back home.

Now Morrigan was walking back home alone. It's not like it was a problem. She had walked on that street before. And she knew a small short-cut. It would guarantee that she was home early.

She took a turn in the alleyway. In one blink, she was somewhere else. It was a hallway. She immediately realised that she had walked into a tricksy lane. And this was a new one. It didn't seem dangerous at all, thankfully. She just had to understand how to get out.

She walked a few steps back. Nothing changed. She looked back, the hallway was continuing. And it seemed to go on forever. Guess she didn't have any other choice but to just walk.

Of course, Morrigan couldn't know, but somehow, the tricksy lane was actually more dangerous than it looked. Time passed more slowly in it. She thought that she had walked for 5 minutes, but it had actually been 30 minutes for the others.

She was late. And it had been a bit unfortunate that Jupiter had returned that day. He was not happy to know that  Morrigan hasn't returned from the walk.

He couldn't call her, and he was planning on looking for her. And maybe bringing some others too.

Obviously, he needed to plan everything out correctly. He went into his office and sat down. He stared at the fireplace. Fen wasn't there at the moment. Jupiter wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing.

"You seem worried about something."

A familiar voice spoke somewhere from the dark corner. It spooked Jupiter quite a bit.
"What are you doing here?"

"Just checking up on everything. You know, there is a new tricksy lane nearby."

"Yea, sure, tell me more about it."

"What is worrying you?", Ezra asked.

"... Morrigan hasn't returned. I don't know where she is now."

"The tricksy lane is quite an interesting one. And it doesn't seem really bad, but it is. It is horrible, and it's hard to get out of it. And the reason why I know, is because I saw someone almost die, well, almost kill themselves to get out of it. I don't think that the guy will ever be the same."

"Mhm. Yea, but do you have any clue of where Morrigan is? You usually know."

Ezra just looked at Jupiter. He said nothing, just started.

"The guy that almost died in the tricksy lane.. He reminded me of how fragile and small humans are. How fragile everything is. Everything that has emotions, everything that can feel pain."

"Why do you keep talking about that tricksy lane?! I will tell someone to add it on the map, but please, let's worry about Mog now."

"It doesn't really surprise me when people get too emotional. Like when they loose someone. They can break down. Weakness. That is what it is."

"It's hard for me to read you right now. And I'm starting to worry even more. Stop this nonsense right now!"

"You are panicking a lot now. Why?"

"BECAUSE MORRIGAN IS SOMEWHERE OUTSIDE, IT'S DARK AND.. I don't want to loose her. Aren't you worried too? You wanted her to be your apprentice, but if she's lost, that's not possible. What if something bad happens to her?"
The line was crossed. Too much worrying.

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