Life is great till it's not.

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!!! This is a completely different AU than the actual books! It's an AU where Jupiter and Ezra are more of the same age and go to the same school. And they all keep their powers too. It has like 0 chance of fitting in, in the actual book lore. !!!

School is annoying. The only reason why we all have to keep going there, is to not "ruin" our future. Well jokes on them. School equals trauma and pain and suffering. Everything keeps repeating itself. The day starts with waking up. And a big headache of the continuous stress of trying. Then there's the casual morning. And then school. All day. No purpose to be there, except when something actually interesting happens.

And that was how the last 10 years had been going for Ezra Squall. It's not like school was that bad. It's not like he got bullied or anything. Some things were fun to learn. Just not all of it.

Now he was sitting at his desk. The lesson that he was in wasn't really interesting. And soon, the bell rang. Everyone was walking to their next lesson. Ezra noticed that there were a lot of people crowding someone. Like 14 girls, not many guys tho.

The crowd was blocking the way he was supposed to go, so he was standing there like a complete idiot. Not like he was one. He wasn't failing any classes. It was just awkward. A few minutes later, the bell rang again and the crowd quickly went wherever each one of them needed.

Now Ezra could see who the people were crowding around. It was some ginger guy. He was tall too. His style was interesting. Not bad at all. Just not what Ezra would prefer to wear. No offence tho. He still looked okay. Guess there will be a new popular kid.

Few days had passed now. So many girls were simping over the new guy. It was starting to get annoying. Them talking about the guy named Jupiter North. He did not want to bother knowing the other more. Some girls might get jealous or something.

For two years, nothing much happened. Jupiter was the popular guy that always had a girl by his side. Most of the girls were so problematic. They either smoked or got high like every weekend. Or they were always in somw other relationship and were constantly fighting. He did notice that Jupiter wasn't always enjoying spending time with them. That's really no surprise.
And Ezra was the humble nerd, who was acquaintances with some other popular kids group. He sometimes hanged out with them, but spending money while shopping or going wherever to do not so good stuff, was not exactly what he wanted. He just had to get over this whole school thing with at least normal grades, and he will be free.

One day when Ezra came back home and walked in the kitchen, his father looked really satisfied.

"Did something good happened? You seem to be in a good mood.", Ezra spoke.

"Yes, something great did happen. I got a new job. And my boss will be visiting for dinner tonight. His son will be with him too. I'm sure that you know his son. He goes to your school after all!", Ezra's father explained.

Great. Someone is coming over. And he doesn't even know who that is. Guess he'll see that evening.. Now he had to clean up some small mess, just so it would be more comfortable.

And just as expected, few hours later the visitors arrived. Ezra walked out of his room when he heard some more voices in the livingroom. And one of the voices sounded somewhere heard before. Few seconds later, he realised who's voice that was. It was the popular guy - Jupiter North. Great. He had to talk to one of the popular people, and possibly be friends with him.

He walked to the livingroom. The adults went to have the dinner in the kitchen, while Jupiter and Ezra were just standing there in some awkward silence. The same silence that happens so often.

"Hello there! My dad told me that I'll probably recognise you. And I see that he was right. I have seen you around school!", Jupiter said in a happy tone.

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