Just a little cold

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Request by: unforgettwble0

After a long day at work, Jupiter got back at the "Deucalion". He went straight to his room, not having much conversation with anyone that was near him. He just said 'Goodnight.' and kept walking.

When he got in his room, he saw that Ezra was sitting on a chair. Almost the same as any other day.

"Hey! I'm back.", Jupiter said.

"Oh, hey."
Ezra answered. He sounded a bit different.

"Are you okay? You look quite tried."

"I'm fine. "

Jupiter walked closer to the other. When he tried to hug Squall, he realised that the other is there though the gossamer.

"Are you really okay? You'd usually be here more, not just by the gossamer. " Jupiter was a bit confused.

"I just don't feel really well today. Nothing much."

"So you're sick? I'll visit you in the Republic tomorrow. "

"There's no need to do that. I'll be okay. It's just a little cold."
After saying that Ezra sneezed, " I think I'll leave. See you some other time!".

And just like that, Squall dissappeared.
Jupiter had decided to actually go to the Republic and visit Ezra. Being away for like a day or two won't do any harm, hopefully.

In the morning, he got up and gathered some stuff like blankets and other things that a sick person would need to get well again. He was already walking to the exit, but then he stopped.

"Why do you have a bag of stuff now? You usually don't take that to your work. Are you going somewhere further?", Morrigan asked.

"Yes, I'm going for a meeting in the Republic.", Jupiter lied.

"Really? Or are you maybe... you're visiting your partner?"

And here it goes again. A mini heart attack. His secret plan had been found out.
"Fine, yes, you got me. I'm visiting Ezra."

"Just be carful."

"Of course I will. See you someday soon!"

Few hours later, he was in the Republic. Again. Squall had given him his adress, and that was where he went. It wasn't extremely far away.

When Jupiter got there, he knocked on the door. A minute passed, no answer. He knocked again.
This time, he heard the door being unlocked.

"What do y-...", Ezra didn't seem really happy at first, but then he noticed, that Jupiter was the one knocking, "So, you actually came here.."

"Of course I did! You were sick, I'm your partner, and I will take care of you while you're sick." Jupiter said.

"Okay, just come inside. "

Squall's house looked nice. There was a fireplace in the livingroom! It seemed like that was where Ezra was spending the last 2 days, well, mostly there.

They sat down on the couch. Jupiter took some blankets out of his bag and handed them to Ezra.

"Thank you.. I have some of my own blankets, y'know.."

"I know. Now, get some rest. I'll make some food."

"I'm not feeling cold or that tired.
... Fine.", Ezra agreed. He didn't feel that bad, but maybe getting some sleep would help.

A hour went by. Squall was half asleep while Jupiter was making some soup. Ezra was listening, just to be aware if anything was happening incorrectly.
The food that Jupiter made, was a really simple soup, made form things that can be found in the kitchen, and belong in a soup.

Jupiter poured some of the soup in a bowl, and brought it over to Ezra.
"Wake up. I made you some soup."

"I'm awake..."
Ezra said. Few seconds later, he slowly got up. He took the bowl and started slowly eating.

"Please don't look at me while I'm eating.."

"Of course. I'll go make some tea for you. I saw that you had like 3 different tea bag flavours. Which one would you like for me to make?", Jupiter said.

"The cinnamon one. I'm sure that I had it there." Ezra answered.

"Sure. I'll go now."
Jupiter got up and went to the kitchen.
4 minutes later, Jupiter got back. He was holding the cup of tea.
"Did you want any sugar or honey in it?"

"No, thank you. I like this one as just tea, nothing more added."

Another minute passed till Ezra finished his drink.
"So, is there anything more that you'd like to do as taking care of me?"

"Maybe we could talk? Or watch a movie?", Jupiter asked.

"That sounds okay."

"So, how exactly did you get sick?"

"It was a rainy and cold day. I didn't take my umbrella, and I didn't have a rain coat with me. I didn't even think that I'd get sick from that. I could have used some of my wundersmith skills to heal myself, or just prevent myself from getting sick, but I didn't want that."

"That's understandable. But why didn't you just heal yourself?"

"Well, maybe it was because I wanted you to come to me. To try and heal me."

"That's sweet. Be careful the next time tho. Always get ready for bad weather."

Jupiter sat down next to Ezra. He turned on the TV, and both of them watched some random movie.

Just like that, 3 days had passed. Now Ezra was feeling better again. Jupiter left in the evening. They could easily meet up later or some other day.

When Jupiter got back to "Deucalion", Jack and Morrigan were already waiting for him. They didn't ask many questions. Jupiter was happy that they didn't. Ezra wouldn't like it if he accidentally spilled more information than anyone else would need to know. He probably wouldn't even like if anyone alse knew that he was sick for three days.

After travelling, the thing that he wanted the most, was to get back to his bed.

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