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Too late

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Too late...

Her body laid still, Spencer removing himself from her as he looked away. He couldn't watch it, he couldn't accept it.

Emily set her hand on his shoulder in support.

They watched her body, not moving a muscle.

"We were too late." Spencer softly said as they all looked down, a tear slipping his eye.

JJ tilted her head on Emily's shoulder. She couldn't imagine how she would break the news to Ruby.

But suddenly, a loud gasp echoed through the room.

Many coughs followed after as Spencer's head quickly turned around.

He looked up at a coughing Yelena who held her chest as she coughed.

She tried to straighten up, failing as she felt her ribs ache from the previous CPR performed on her.

"Ah, fuck." She groaned, Emily and JJ's face lit up, gasping in shock.

"Oh, my God." Derek spoke with a slight smile on his face.

They got her back. They saved her when she thought no one would.

"What the fuck..?" She groaned, looking down at her wet clothes, her hand supporting her aching ribs.

"What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me." She leaned back as she set her other arm on her forehead.

Spencer looked at her with shock, not even daring to utter a word.

She was alive, they saved her.

She could finally find her way back to Ruby.

Everyone looked at each other as their gazes landed on Spencer who held a faint blush on his face.


The ambulance siren was heard through the factory, Yelena being transported onto a stretcher. "Ah, fuck. Go easy, man." She groaned as she leaned back in the stretcher.

"Reid." She called, the rest of the team watching as Spencer scurried towards her. "Can... Can you-" She began, trying to find the right words.

"I'll keep him safe. He can stay with me." He told her as she nodded slowly, narrowing her eyes. "Uh, If he wants to. Of course." He added, scratching the back of his head.

"Thanks, man. I owe you." She slapped his shoulder as she was carried away into the ambulance.

Spencer buried his hands in his pockets, watching as the ambulance began driving away.

The rest of the team went to stand beside him, following his gaze.

And suddenly, they saw a hand raising up to the window, forming a sign of horns.

Spencer smiled weakly, Derek shaking his head as he looked to his side. He saw JJ resting her head on Emily's, his heart warming at the sight.

Everything was going to be okay.


And just in those few hours...

News spread through, uncountable newspapers revealing all the information they could gather.

Many people were glad she made it alive. But others didn't.

In fact, most of them didn't. Many saw her as the villain she used to be a year back. But she changed, only the world being blind to it.

They thought the BAU was actually stupid, letting a villain work among them. But she was used to it, being seen as the villain. Everywhere and every time.

Even if she found herself in a hospital bed, holding the scars of the real villain. And she hated feeling like a victim.

Thus, she threatened the doctors multiple times, causing them to sedate her to perform the operation on her as she would not sit still.

She was stubborn, of course. After many years of looking out for herself, she always trusted her gut, even if it was wrong, something right would come out of it.


She learned that lesson the hard way for sure. And so she taught it to Ruby the hard way, wanting him to be able to take action for himself.

Even if she wouldn't let him, being that overprotective of him, she never wished upon him to go through what she went through.

She didn't want to lose him the way she lost everyone else.

But Yelena Romanoff always had the tendency to forget a few people who made her life just a bit easier. Even if she would never, ever admit it... they were important to her as well.

And that meant a lot, coming from the once cold-hearted, blood stained assassin.

Of course, she wasn't the type to express her feelings or gratitude in big ways. But just when she let her guard down a bit, it meant much more.

Spencer wondered what the following days would hold in store for him, watching the ambulance drive away, watching her go away.

He also thought back to the previous moments. His desperate tears and pumps on her chest, hoping to just receive a sign that she was back.

He remembered the feeling of emptiness invading him in that very moment, consuming him as he looked down at her pale and expressionless face.

She looked dead, and it broke him. Just the thought of it did.

Spencer had many confusing thoughts about his feelings, trying to understand them like he understood the statistics he would share with the theme.

But he didn't even know where to start or how. How can one discover his feelings for another.

Was it friendship? He didn't know. Maybe it was just a bit more. Maybe.

DON'T LEAVE ME, spencer reid [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now