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"Something wrong with that, genius?"

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"Something wrong with that, genius?"

Two days later

Yelena was still in the hospital, two guards stood in front of her hospital door.

She was bored out of her mind. She hated hospitals.

They would always hold you longer when you could just stitch the wound yourself, she thought.

Hospitals were just a waste of time, in her opinion.

Suddenly, a knock brought her back from her thoughts as she looked at the door to see who it is.

"Agents, what a pleasure." She smiled as some of them did too.

"Romanoff. We wanted to thank you for your cooperation and inform you that Dreykov will be serving life in prison." he told her as she nodded with a smirk.

"Why didn't you kill him?" Spencer asked her. "Because my orders were that we needed him alive, Doctor Spencer Reid." She told him firmly.

"Do you say my whole name to point out that you know it?" He asked as Yelena smiled. "Yes. I know a lot about you." She replied as he grew nervous.

She broke the awkward silence with a chuckle, Derek smiling a bit too.

"Romanoff, you proved your worth in one day. You followed orders, you're experienced on the field, and you're smart from what I've seen in your file." He began as her eyes widened.

"You had acces to my file?" She asked in shock.

He nodded as she mumbled a Russian curse word under her breath.

"You have a Phd in Linguistics and Bioinformatics. You went to the National FBI Academy, surprisingly and you know your way around guns and any type of weapon." He spoke as if he was reading this straight out of a book.

"Can't say if the last one's a good thing or a bad thing." She pursed her lips as some of them chuckled.

"Wait, you went to the FBI academy?" Spencer asked, surprised.

"Yes, something wrong with that, genius?" She asked as she raised a brow.

"I'm offering you a job at the BAU." He told her as her jaw dropped.

"Why would you want me in the FBI?" She asked dramatically as she could hear Morgan chuckle.

"Because I think you would make a great asset to our team." He replied.

"So you're offering me a job at the FBI? Can I have a gun? Oh, and do I get one of those cool vests you guys have?" She asked excitedly as he smiled.

"Yes." He answered. "Hell yeah, I'm in!" She exclaimed, a little too loud as she groaned in pain, holding her side as everyone chuckled and laughed.

Yelena Romanoff was now Agent Yelena Romanoff.

A while later

Everyone left the hospital. Yelena went to sleep, hoping to at least get some rest.

Meanwhile, the group went back to the BAU headquarters.

"Well, I suggest we all get to work, finish your paperwork and set it on my desk." Hotch walked to his office, occupying himself with his own paperwork.

"Why would a criminal want to join the BAU?" Spencer found himself asking out loud.

"Because she only wanted revenge for her family, and now she has no reason to keep killing. She's a good person, I think we all saw that." Emily answered as Derek nodded.

"Wait- did you just say that a criminal is joining the BAU?" Garcia walked towards them.

"Babygirl, I missed you." He threw his arm over her shoulder as he gave her a side hug.

"Romanoff. She's joining the BAU." JJ informed her as Garcia gasped.

"What is she like? I'm actually excited to meet her!" Garcia exclaimed.

She was a little bit too excited to meet an ex-convict.

"She's actaully funny, although a weird sense of humor and she's really good in the field." Emily answered as Garcia's eyes widened in admiration.

"She even managed to steal Rossi's phone with her hands cuffed." Derek chuckled as Rossi mumbled something.

They all laughed as they went back to work.

They worked till the night had fallen. Hotch called it a day as he sent them home.

The group opted to go for drinks as they went to the nearest bar.


Garcia was wasted by midnight, dancing with Emily and JJ on the dance floor. She was one of the few who could hold her liquor.

Derek had gone off with a woman he'd met that night, leaving Spencer and Rossi drinking at the table, talking about all kinds of stuff.

Some of them were excited to work with Yelena the next day, and some of them were a bit scared of her. Spencer, actually.

He didn't actually know her. He only knew the things she did.

DON'T LEAVE ME, spencer reid [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now