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Born To Die

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Born To Die

"You're so fucking dead, asshole." She muttered as she heard him laugh at her insult.

"I think it's the other way around, sweetheart." He said as he shrugged.

The water reached her knees, stress flowing through her body as she was not planning on dying this way.

"Enjoying the water?" He asked her sinisterly.

"Fuck off." She told him, looking up at him as her head was tilted down.

And in that time of crisis, she thought about Spencer. 'He better be keeping that kid safe'. she thought to herself.

Yelena was the type of person to think about others instead of herself, not being a fan of worrying about her terrifying thoughts.

Definitely not a fan.

She'd rather be surrounded by people and feel lonely than actually be alone.

But that's what she was, after all. She was completely fucking alone.

Nothing lasts, not for Yelena at least.

She had a way of keeping things to herself, driving people away.

That's how she lost the people she loved in life.

Some people would say that's a problem, others would understand her.

But some just stayed far away from her.

Everything and everyone she held dear died, so why attach herself to more people, to kill them too?

That's the scary part of being alone. She couldn't stop the thoughts, and that's what scared 'the great assassin'.

Why 'befriend' Spencer in the first place?

She was a sinner, a killer and a bad person, in her opinion.

He was a saint, a sweet agent with a genius mind.

She wouldn't want to stand in the way of his great future without her.

She shook her head out of those thoughts as she noticed the water had risen up from her knees to her stomach.

The unsub was nowhere to be seen, only a timer of how much time she had before the water completely consuming her.


"Can't you drive faster?" Spencer nervously asked Derek, his leg bouncing up and down.

Just like Yelena a few hours ago before all this madness started.

"I'm driving, alright? Calm down, Reid." Derek concentrated on the road.

He surely didn't miss the fact that Spencer was sweating as if he was working out, his leg bouncing as he didn't seem to stay calm.

Spencer thought about the look in Yelena's eyes on the footage.

She didn't even look scared, just emotionless. She almost looked dead.

He looked at his watch, Four minutes had passed since the timer was on, they had six minutes to get there.

At that point, Spencer wished she was in the backseat, making fun of him and ruffling his hair as she usually did.

He didn't like her making fun of him, but he surely didn't mind the hair ruffling part.

Although that was another thing he would never admit.

Silence washed over the car, everyone preoccupied with their team member currently waiting either to be saved or to be dead.

A ticking time bomb either way.

"Three minutes and twenty-three seconds." Spencer spoke nervously, counting down.

Stress rose up in Derek as he pressed harder with his foot, going faster. Over the speed limit.

He saw Hotch's SUV in the back, going a bit slower than Derek but still fast. Derek decided to speed up a bit.


She wondered if anyone was out to search for her, if anyone even bothered.

What if the team didn't get the clue? What if they didn't even find anything?

"Better be practising your last words, Romanoff." She heard the same voice speak.

She wanted nothing more to just choke it out with her bare hands and slide a knife over the bruises.

She shook her head out of her thoughts, trying to think about some 'happy' memories. If she had some, that is.

Well, there were a few.

She thought back to the time she had been forced to listen to Ruby recite a whole poem he had wrote.

She knew that kid had a great future ahead of him, full of talent. She only wondered if she'd be in it.

The water had risen up to her stomach by the time.

She tried to breathe, something everyone told her when she was young.

"Breathe, it'll all be okay. Cálmate, cariño. It'll all be alright." Someone used to say.

Her roommate when she had spent time in jail. Gloria Ramos.

One of the few people who made jail easier for her.

Gloria ran the kitchen, always saving up something for Yelena, even though she didn't want it, Gloria always told her to just keep it.

Yelena was thankful for her and all her other acquaintances in jail.

She surely got laid a lot, but she also missed her fellow inmates. Just a little bit.

She missed the little riots, the arguments over the most ridiculous things and the parties when someone got out.

But she didn't miss her time in isolation, or the feeling when she saw the other inmates get out or receive a visit from family.

Her only visit was with Hotch and Spencer. That was a memory for sure, how she noticed his nervousness.

There were a lot of things she wouldn't miss. A lot.

But she'll be damned if there were not more things she would miss.

Things, people, places, and her family.

Which consisted of a sassy ten-year old boy and a drug dealer who married the addict who lived next door. But they were just perfect. Her real family.

Maybe even Spencer, she thought.

But would she live long enough to realise, or would she die oblivious?

It seemed that the great assassin, the White Widow, Val's hitwoman, the bartender at the shitty bar or the scary FBI agent had run out of tricks and answers altogether.

For once, she found herself defenseless as the water rose up to her chin.

Either way, she was born to die after all. The only words who stuck with her since they left Gloria's mouth.


DON'T LEAVE ME, spencer reid [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now