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Alone Again

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Alone Again

"Mister White! Mister White!" She yelled out, running through the hall as the professor turned around.

"I-I did write the essay." She said, reaching in her bag as she pulled out a yellow paper, all crumpled up.

The professor raised his brows as he straightened it out.

He began reading the words, Yelena looking down in embarrassment.

"In ten years' time, I want to live in a house with big windows." He began, nodding as he went on with the words.

"I want the house to be large enough to have a kitchen table with four chairs." He looked up at her with a small smile as he looked back at the words.

"But not too roomy to ever feel the depth of my aloneness. Because I'll probably be alone." He read slowly, his smile dropping at the words.

"But I think my aloneness won't feel so all-consuming with windows that protect me from the world but still let me watch it as it crumbles down to the ground from afar-" He read as he was interrupted.

Yelena snatched the paper from him, not wanting him to read the rest of the depressing paper she had written, in her opinion.

"Sorry." Yelena looked down, silence washing over the hall.

"It was beautiful, Yelena." He told her, the blonde girl with a few pink highlights furrowing her brows.

"Really?" She asked in confusion.

"Well, yes. I never doubted you, Yelena. You're one of my most brilliant students. Dream big, you can have so much more with this than big windows." He encouraged her as she nodded.

"Just think about it." He told her, slowly walking away.

A smile crept up on her as she turned around and began walking the other way back.


Sweat dripped down his forehead, looking at his watch every second. Spencer could not keep it together and Derek noticed.

"One minute." Spencer said, on the verge of jumping out of the car and running for her life.

As he was about to say something else, Derek looked at him.

"Just stop, okay? Just calm down, Reid. We're gonna get her back, okay?" He assured him as Spencer just nodded quickly.

He couldn't think about anything else, only Yelena's expression on the videotape.

She looked dead already, it would only take a minute for it to be official.

Spencer shook his head out of those bad thoughts.

"She's gonna be alright. She's gonna be okay." He whispered, not noticing the sympathetic look on Derek's face.

Spencer looked in the rearview-mirror, Hotch's SUV right on their tail.


"Reid is so freaking out, I just know it." Emily said with a sad expression.

She noticed how Spencer wore an unreadable expression, sharing his information with no emotion.

Just in a monotone voice. Like a robot.

She felt for him, she knew how much he 'liked' Yelena.

She knew it would turn into something, that the both of them just needed time.

But this was certainly frustrating for him.

"Yeah, should've seen him with Ruby." JJ said, thinking back at how Spencer held Ruby in his arms, the both of them holding on tightly.

"Why?" Hotch asked, pulling the duo out of their thoughts.

"Oh, come on, Hotch. In five months, and he knows much more about her than any of us do. Well, except for Garcia, but isn't it obvious?" Emily asked him.

"No, we all know colleagues can't have intimate relationships." Hotch said, Emily rolling her eyes.

"I did notice, though. I think they'd be quite the pair." Hotch said, not daring to look at Emily who gasped in shock.

"Wow, who are you and what did you do with Aaron Hotchner?" Emily scoffed.

JJ smiled, looking at the window as she thought about her promise to Ruby.

He really grew on her after all.


Water reached up to her nose, Yelena having a bit of space to hold her head out to breathe.

She panicked. She really fucking panicked.

By that time, she knew no one was coming for her. She really was all alone, after all.

She was breathing at an immense speed, her eyes wide as her neck ached.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, flowing in the water filling the transparent cube.

Her hands were bruised, her ribs as well, her gash still open as dried up blood flowed with the water consuming her.

They were a lot of things consuming her in that moment, just like the water.

Her thoughts, the current situation she was trapped in, her feelings and her recurring memories.

One of her favourites must be the night she took Ruby to a Lady Gaga concert.

She was not that much of a fan till Ruby introduced her to the songs.

They had stolen tickets from a woman who was selling them on Craigslist.

They had set up a meeting as they robbed her blind by giving her fake money bills.

Ruby had been ecstatic to go to the concert, thanking her many times through the day and asking her what she would wear.

Many critics on her simple outfits followed, of course.

"Hey, think about it! You'll get laid and I'll hopefully get to talk to her!" He exclaimed as she shook her head, chuckling.

"Alright, just let me ask V for some clothes." She said as she walked out the room.

And is it turned out, Veronica had also gotten a ticket.

Later that night, the three of them were singing along, V and Yelena noticing the huge smile on Ruby's face as he sang along.

DON'T LEAVE ME, spencer reid [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now