Chapter 17 The Suspicious Ceo

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On The Other Side:
Namjoon pov:
I came in with all my band members tired and threw myself on the couch as the others sat as well.

Namjoon: What a busy day! Guys we have to do this tomorrow as well. Then we have a meet with Acentuate's Ceo day after tomorrow. Why oh why is our schedule so jam packed?

Seokjin: Yeah we know. It's only cause we just released our new album.

Hoseok: Yeah we're not forgetful like you.

Jungkook: At least sometimes we aren't right Hyungs?

Taehyung: Yeah I wouldn't forget cause I was the one who told you all.

Yoongi: I don't care. Now let me sleep. I'm so exhausted.

Jimin: Hyung wait, we'll go to our rooms first.

Namjoon: Wait! do you guys find anything suspicious about that Ceo?

Hoseok: Yeah, her fashion sense seems similar. I don't know where I've seen it.

Seokjin: Seems normal to me, I don't get the fuss about it.

Tae,Jk,Jim: Agreed

Yoongi: She has good fashion sense.

We all looked at him with that "isn't it obvious" face.

Namjoon: That's why she's the Ceo of one of the most successful Fashion companies in the world, Hyung.

Everyone nodded. And wished good night before going to their rooms and having their good night sleep. Of course I, like everyday cried. But I have a strange feeling about that Ceo. Maybe I'm just being a little too suspicious. But still I'm pretty sure I know someone who has that type of a fashion sense. Ugh Kim Namjoon use your brain and 148 iq!!! Where oh where did I see that type of a fashion designer? My stylist? No that person has different tastes. Maybe my sister knows... But her taste is different. Maybe...

Time skip, 1hr later,

It's 11, oh my god I've been guessing for a whole hour? God, huh I still can't find out where I've seen that kind of a fashion. Plus my brain is not working right now. I am tired.. I should try tomorrow or just let it be cause I'll meet her day after anyway. Hmm... Good night Y/n-ie, come in my dream today please. Thank you. I slept but no Y/n came in my dream. I guess my mind can't picture a grown up Y/n. Ugh, I wanna see my Y/n-ie!!!!!!! Y/n come back to me. Actually I should go to her. I'll ask PD sir if I can take a vacation after the promotion of the album. Maybe I can meet her that time.

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