"Don't you have machines and technology to locate him, along with Reed Richards don't you think you could build a device to locate him?" Strange questioned him.

"I mean... kinda. I haven't actually built something like that. And besides why should I help find him, he's nothing but an annoying kid." Tony answered receiving a nod from Hawkeye.

Strange couldn't believe what he was hearing, a fellow hero was in trouble and they were willing to do nothing to help in his rescue.

"Yea. Let the bug be, better for us if he's gone. One less headache to deal with." Barton commented.

Bruce and Captain were in shock of the news while Natasha had similar thoughts of Spider-Man's importance. Yea it's sucked that he got caught up in whatever but was he really all that important when he dealt with petty criminals on the streets.

As she finished her thoughts she was suddenly stricken with a headache, something inside her disagreed with her previous thoughts but she did not know what.

"I'm sorry Strange but I don't see how we can be of any help. Magic isn't something we are accustomed to. Perhaps Thor would be of help but he isn't on Earth and we have no way of reaching him." Captain America said sadly.

Strange understood what the Captain was saying and he seemed sincere with his words and worry for the young hero, but he could still not believe that the others remained so calm and uninvolved in helping.

"I understand Captain Rogers. If by any chance Thor dose return to Earth please send him to me. I will try to find a way myself for now." Strange said before leaving.

With Julia Carpenter

Julia had sent out a telepathic message to the other spider heroes to meet with her immediately.

She awaited the arrival of Anya, Miles and Gwen. Jessica and Cindy were already present as they were not busy and close by.

"What gives Julia? Why are we here? And what are we waiting for?" Asked an irritated Jessica.

"We are waiting for the others to get here.
Once they arrive, all will be revealed." She said, a bit more cryptically than she hoped.

Releasing a frustrated sigh Jessica leaned against the wall with her arms crossed and waited for the others to arrive.

Cindy was patient, something that she had come to learn after being held in a bunker for ten years until she was released by Peter. She too was curious as to what was going on but she refrained from asking.

On cue all three of the younger spider heroes arrived seeing the rest of the order already there and waiting.

"Ok. We're all here, so talk Julia." Jessica said angrily.

'The one time I'm not needed at the tower and can spend some time with my son and Julia decides to bring us all together for who knows what.' Jessica thought.

"Spider-Man is missing." Julia said straight to the point eliciting shocked responses from the others, even though some had masks which prevented their faces being seen.

"What do you mean he's missing? Can't you see him in the web?" Cindy asked in a panic.

"No. I cannot. For some reason his connection here is weak, and when I search the web for him I cannot find him." Julia answered calmly.

"So... what dose that mean?" Asked a confused Anya.

"It means he is no longer in this dimension. I believe he has been transported to a different universe." She replied.

"A different universe. How is that possible. He couldn't do that before." Gwen asked.

"I think... he may have been taken." She said sorrowfully.

"Taken? By who?" Cindy asked worriedly.

"My best guess... would be the inheritors." She said dreadfully.

Everyone was stood still in shock and fear. They had fought the inheritors before and it was a hard and bloody battle of which they didn't come out unscathed and without loss, several different spider people in the multiverse were killed by the inheritors.

"How could you not see this coming?" Shouted Cindy, getting into Julia's face as she did so.

Julia took a few steps back before responding. "I... I don't know how I missed this. But we must find him. If he dies..." she said before stopping briefly.

"Yea. We all die." Cindy finished coldly.

"So what do we do?" Asked Miles.

"We must travel to the Master Weaver and find our Spider-Man in the vast expanse of the multiverse. We will use your dimensional bracelet to do so." She informed them, then pointing at Gwen.

At the X-Mansion

Jean Grey, a powerful mutant with telepathic abilities was minding her own business whilst walking through the mansion which housed many different mutants.

She passed many familiar faces like Logan, Beast, Storm, Logan's daughter Laura and many others before settling down with some of her friends.

Emma Frost another telepath who had the extra ability to change her form to diamonds, Rouge who had the ability to replicate another's mutant ability through touch however it came was an awful caveat in which it weakened the one she touch's and in some cases proving fatal.

Illyana Rasputin otherwise known as Magik is a mutant sorceress and the ruler to limbo, Kitty Pryde a mutant with the ability to phase through objects and become completely intangible.

The four of them sat together mostly in silence as Kitty and Rouge lightless chatted with each other when Jean joined them, receiving a slight glare from Emma and Illyana.

Before she had the chance to speak or sit down she suddenly collapsed to the ground holding her head in pain as someone or something was screaming at her inside her head.

Emma and the others rushed to her side to see what was wrong with her.

"Where is he? Where is my Anansi?"

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