"Fine!" he replied sharply. He wasn't in the mood to see anyone. He just wanted a bath and sleep.

Wen Zhuliu entered first. The smug look on his face made Wei Ying want to exercise his sharp wit. But it was who followed behind him that had him biting tongue.

"You've met our head physician, Lady Qing. I apologize that it wasn't under better circumstances. However, she is here to tend to your wounds and provide you with any medicinal remedies you might require to recover in time for tomorrow's test."

Wei Ying scowled and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "I don't want her help."

Wen Qing's gaze sharpened. For a moment, Wei Ying actually considered changing his answer.

"Fine. I'll take my leave then." She turned in a flurry of robes but was stopped by Wen Zhuliu's firm hand on her arm.

"My lady, you must excuse our guest. He's obviously exhausted from his time in the arena. I imagine him to be like an injured animal who will snap at anyone to protect itself."

Wen Zhuliu threw him a taunting gaze. Wei Ying bristled, his scalp tingling with what little resentful energy was still residing in his weakened body.

"Please, stay and tend to him. I'm sure he'll appreciate your help when it comes time for me to call on him tomorrow."

Wen Zhuliu's voice deepened with a dangerous edge. "It will be his most difficult test yet. Even I don't know if he'll survive. Our little demonic cultivator here will need all his strength to impress me again."

With a growl, Wei Ying demanded, "Remove this hideous thing and I'll show you who's little!" His fingers brushed against the jeweled choker. His tired silver eyes flitted between the two Wen's in his room.

Wen Zhuliu released Wen Qing's arm and slowly strolled over to Wei Ying.

"As you wish, young master," he answered obediently. "But I feel I must remind you that the guards over there have already filled their talismans with energy. I'm sure the generals of my armies outside these walls are simply awaiting the final signal to attack."

Wei Ying glanced over at the four guards standing in and out of the doorway. Sure enough, their talismans glowed with core energy. It would only take an instant to fully activate them. An instant for him to condemn his loved ones to death.

He bowed his head in surrender. This was not the time to fight back. He didn't have the strength.

"As I have said before, you are intelligent for one so young. Which is why I have no reservations about removing your collar to allow you to sleep comfortably."

Wei Ying hated the feel of Wen Zhuliu's fingers on his skin as the head Wen soldier undid the binding clasp of the choker. He tried to hide his disgust but he couldn't stop the bile from rising up his throat. Swallowing it back down only made him feel like retching. The sick look on his face had Wen Qing shaking her head as inconspicuously as she could. Wei Ying blinked slowly to acknowledge her concern. He breathed deeply through his nose and exhaled slowly out of his mouth until Wen Zhuliu's hands were no longer touching him.

Once the weight of the choker was off, Wei Ying nearly collapsed onto the floor. Relief at knowing the damn thing couldn't hurt him washed over him in one powerful wave. The intense adrenaline rush during his fights was now completely gone and he swayed on his feet.

Wen Qing and Wen Zhuliu quickly grasped his arms and led him over to the bed. Wei Ying could see the deep concern in the doctor's hazel eyes and tried to reassure her with an unconvincing smile.

"I'm fine. I just need some sleep." he mumbled.

"You can rest after I give you a thorough examination." she replied.

Solstice Souls Book 2: Black Fire, White Flameजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें