A place you've seen before you were born.

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, use it if anyone comes at you, you're good with knives!" Mikhael yelled back as he ran towards the weird guy with the knight helmet.

Sunny stared at the two fighting.

"Gwahaha, my greatest enemy, I will strike thee down today, The Maverick!" The Knight proclaimed.

"Jeez, you're so lame!"Mikhael replied, blocking the plastic sword with his wrist. Angel and a girl came along and began cheering on the side lines.

"Yeah! Beat him up, Master!" Angel exclaimed.

"You can defeat him, Sir!" The girl cheered.

"Pfft, your boyfriend will totally lose." Angel smirked.

"Oh yeah? Well your HUSBAND is gonna lose!" She rebuked.

"Your husband and CHILD are both gonna lose." Angel rebutted.

"Your husband and TWO kids!"

"Your husband and THREE KIDS!!"



The two continued increasing the amount of children that were going to be losing to the other's idol.

Meanwhile, the fight continued between the two "mentors."

"Have at thee!" The Grand Knight of Guangdong yelled as he thrust the sword towards Mikhael's stomach.

"The Maverick isn't a coward like you, using your stupid swords." Mikhael remarked while he dodged his attack.

Mikhael kicked The Knight in the shin, making him yelp in pain, before swinging at Mikhael.

Mikhael grabbed the toy sword, hurting his hands a bit.

"Hey, that's not fair, that would've cut you!" The Grand Knight whined.

"Maybe you should've thought of that when you made fun of my friend for being gay, you grand knight of dumbassery." Mikhael replied with agitation.

"Woah, woah, saying a slur like that is a bit extreme." The helmeted boy said raising his hands in front of him.

"What slur... dumbassery?"

"No, no, the other thing."


"You can't say that, dude, that's, like, offensive to fags."

Mikhael jabbed him in the stomach with the hilt of the sword.

"Get out of here, you fucking idiot." Mikhael said dropping the sword, "You're a waste of my time."

"Bwaha! You fool!" The Grand Knight of Guangdong said as he picked up his sword, and swung at Mikhael again.

Sunny became a bit bored with the spectacle, and looked back to Aubrey and the others fighting, and saw Basil along with Vance still fighting Melvin.

Aubrey was also still having a sword fight with Carrie, and Kim just kept pushing Brandon over.

"Dude, this is sad, please, stop it." Kim flatly said, staring at Brandon trying to get back up again so he could rush at Kim again.

"Don't stop it, Brandon, I need to make sure nobody stops me from killing this bitch." Carrie said with a smug smile.

"Not if I kill you first, bitch!" Aubrey swung at Carrie, who blocked it with her golf club.

Aubrey kicked at Carrie, but Carrie was slightly out of reach. Carrie suddenly swung the golf club at Aubrey, who blocked it again with her baseball bat. Carrie tried to pull it away, but it was stuck between two nails in Aubrey's baseball bat.

Carrie kept trying to pull it out, while Aubrey kept her bat steady. "Looks like your club is stuck, heh."

"You're right." Carrie then let go of her golf club, leading Aubrey to nearly hit herself in the face with her baseball bat.

"Ha, lost your club, what good are you now-" Aubrey felt the golf club's handle hit her over the head after it flipped from the momentum.

The golf club clattered onto the ground, while Aubrey's face went red. "I'm gonna knock some sense into you!" Aubrey screamed and rushed at Carrie.

Suddenly she flinched and clutched her forehead.

"Ghh.. oww... what the fuck was that?"

A quiet thwack sound was heard, and then Kim flinched too, grabbing her shoulder.

"The fuck..?"

"Great timing, Digit." Carrie called out in some direction.

"Ah, it appears our defense has successfully bought enough time. Until next time, The Maverick." The knight announced.

Mikhael looked confused, "The fuck are you talking-" He was apparently hit in the face by something, as he flinch, clutched at his head, and started screaming about his face.

"My face! My beautiful face! Oh god!"

Sunny squeezed his grip around the knife, as Basil squealed with pain as he was hit in the arm.

"Real good sniping, Digit!" Melvin called out.

This was followed with Vance being hit. "Ow! You shouldn't aim for the face y'know, it could've hit my eye!"

In response, he was shot in the stomach. "Fuck you dude, ow!"

More shots rained upon Sunny and his friends. Sunny felt rage, but nobody around to direct it on.

"T-Tactical retreat!" Mikhael cried out, as he ran away. Everyone else followed, as Carrie called after them.

"Yeah! You better run, ha ha!"

"S-Stupid fucking cheaters." Aubrey mumbled as she ran off along with Sunny.

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