"Just come." He pulled my arm and slightly dragged me up while I sluggishly followed.

"You organized us a picnic?" I asked, noticing a patterned sheet spread on the dried grass and a basket placed on top of it.

"Forget about the picnic...focus on the view." He turned me over by my shoulders and I was amazed by the magnificent view that started in front of me.

"I often come here when I'm stressed, which is most times... It's practically my favorite place in the whole of Italy." He mentioned while slowly strolling closer to the end of the hill.

"It's pretty nice." I said, acting unimpressed.

"It just gets better." He stood at the edge of the hillside and I stared at him, eager to know what he was up to.

I wish I could say I was shocked when he fell off the hill but that would be an understatement. My body literally went numb from his action.

What kind of silly joke is this?

Did he simply invite me to witness his own death?

I rushed over to that direction and peaked down the hill, luckily a river was at the end.

"What the hell Luis!" I yelled when I noticed his head sprouting out from the water.

"Join in!" He yelled towards me.

He must think I'm insane to jump down almost a thirty feet hill.

"Come on." He practically whined

"That's fucking dangerous." I declined.

"Trust me, it's safe." He reassured.

With a sharp sigh I took off my shoes and dropped my bag on the floor.

My eye lids tightly glued together and I hesitantly jumped off.

The stinging sensation on my skin was unbelievably painful when my body slapped on the water surface.

"It wasn't that bad, now was it?" He questioned with a large grin.

"Well at least you would've brought a swim suit for me." I stated, seeing how my dress got soaked and glued to my figure.

"I personally feel it's better with clothes on than anything else." I rolled my eyes at his statement and gently played with the water.

We eventually got exhausted of splashing each other with icy water and followed a passage way which was next to the hill so as to go back up.

I couldn't help but goggle at Luis while he pulled the wet material off his silk skin.

Distracted by his chiseled body and the way it glowed effortlessly, my mind only filled with unholy thoughts of the both of us.

"Weren't you taught it's bad to stare?" He playfully questioned.

"I'm not staring... I'm just thinking of how i would dry myself up, I'm starting to get cold." I stated, glad by the fact it was the first time I found a good enough lie.

"I didn't even think of that." He muttered under his breath and flipped his shirt a couple times before placing it on my shoulders.

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