Bloody Daggers and False Kisses

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"Hey, Glimmer."

Adora looked up from her tablet as Glimmer attempted to sneak out the door quietly.

"Adoraaa! Hi!"

"Where ya off to?"

She sipped from her water bottle expectantly. They had about an hour before they needed to get ready for the play.

" the library, you know. Finishing that assignment."

Adora nodded slowly, and Glimmer spotted her opportunity.

"Okay, cool, bye!"

"Hang on!"

She paused on her mad dash out, stepping backwards as Adora examined her.

"You're going to see Catra, aren't you?"

Glimmer's silence spoke for her.

"Sit," she patted the seat beside her, and Glimmer sat down reluctantly.

"Catra and I aren't dating right now, and I have...feelings about that, but my complicated relationship with Catra shouldn't interfere with your's."

Glimmer looked up at her, surprised.

"You two have avoided each other for so long, I don't want to be the reason you do it again."

She grabbed Glimmer's hands in her own, looking down at them for a moment. Arms enveloped around her as she did, Glimmer's soft hair tickling Adora.

"Thank you. Really."

It stung, but Adora let go of her, and Glimmer stood up.

"I'll meet you backstage tonight?"

"Yeah, I'll see you."

Adora smiled against her will, letting Glimmer leave the dorm before wiping her eyes hurriedly.


"Adora, my shining star! The centre of my artistry! My muse-"

"Double Trouble," Adora deadpanned, putting her hands on her hips. The flattery was annoyingly overdone that it almost became sarcastic. DT winked at her, of course, grabbing her forearm and dragging her into the wings of the stage.

"Now, I know you're having a hissy fit and all, but I need you to be in love with Catra."

Adora didn't bother correcting them, just nodded along.


"Not easy. Right now, you two are my main concern. This original play is about death and rulership, this adaption obviously contains those elements, but it's also about the ability of love to achieve power. Which is part of the reason I cast you two."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but Catra and I never ruled or saved the universe."

"No, but you were close."

Adora ignored whatever they meant by that. DT adored speaking in riddles and innuendos.

"Look, I'm trying my best, but I'm not a professional actor. I can't just shove aside our history and be Macbeth."

She shrugged, cheeks flushing a bit in shame.

"Fine, if you can't ignore your history with Catra, can you embrace it?"

Her eyes narrowed in confusion as she tilted her head.


"How intense are your emotions right now? Regardless of whether they're positive or not."

The Brightmoon Institution (Catradora Boarding School AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant