Fire of Hope

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Adora gaped at the house. It was gorgeous from the outside, of course; a wood paneled exterior and a sleek black roof...but the interior was something else. The design was exquisite. Adora remembered Bow's love of architecture, knowing he must love it. Her eyes caught on the smooth, wide door, hearing the heeled footsteps of Angella walk in. She removed her leather gloves, and Adora distantly wondered if they were doing anything to actually keep her fingers warm.

"It's my favorite spot. The hill is a good few miles from the village, and the village itself is so secluded no one really knows about us. No reporters, no media, just-"

She paused, taking a breath as her eyes fluttered closed. Adora looked at the panel of glass spanning around them, providing a view of the snow capped mountains and a forest a short distance away.


Adora nodded, still feeling a bit uncomfortable in the ex-movie star's presence. Angella was a millionaire, and she felt a bit lacklustre, even just standing next to her.

"There aren't any chefs here, meaning we'll be cooking for ourselves."

Adora followed her over to the round wooden table, a firewood oven beside it. Angella walked over to it, opening the drawers to access plates and other cutlery. Adora hesitantly followed, wondering where Catra had went. Strands of cotton candy hair tumbled down as Angella stared down at the plate, looking at it with dismay.

"I can't even cook, what kind of mother am I?"

The question was to herself, a mutter of a breath, but Adora very clearly heard it. Had Angella somehow forgotten she was in the same room as her? The sound of heavy footsteps echoed around them, too slow and methodical to be Catra's. Adora quickly spun in her stool, facing the one and only Micah Brightmoon.


Angella ran so fast the plate nearly smashed onto the ground. Adora's quick reflexes saved the expensive china, her hand flying out to catch it. She smiled as the couple embraced, Micah tucking his head into the shoulder of his wife. Though Adora felt like she was intruding on a private moment wherever she went, she firmly stayed put on the seat. It would be rude to leave without introducing herself to Micah. Besides, she didn't even know her way around the place. She'd likely end up lost in the maze of the cabin (it was more of a mansion, if she was being honest).

The famous pair finally broke apart, Micah's dark eyes meeting Adora's light ones for the first time.

"This must be the famous Adora I've heard all about?"

Adora bounced off the chair, assuming Glimmer had talked about her in one of the phone calls to her dad.

"That's me! Nice to meet you, Mr Brightmoon."

She shook the man's hand, noticing that he had a similar handshake to Glimmer. She'd never actually shaken her friend's hand, but if she had she imagined it'd feel somewhat like this.

Why do I make the oddest observations?

Micah smiled gently at her, seeming to sense her nerves.

"No need for the formalities, just call me Micah."

Adora nodded, returning the smile while Angella leaned her elbow against her husband's shoulder.

"Would you like me to give you a tour, Adora? I thought Glimmer would handle it, but I havn't seen her or Bow."

Angella seemed to be asking Adora a question without actually even asking it. But Adora didn't even have an answer for her.

"No, I'm sure it's been a while since you guys have seen each other."

The couple gave each other a loving glance, and that cemented the thought in Adora's head. She'd just fumble her way around the place, it'd be criminal to split them up after months of no contact.

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