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Standing outside the classroom was enough to Adora into a frenzy, her heart beat echoing in her ears as she reminded herself that this meant nothing. Why was she getting so worked up, she saw Catra like every day, this was nothing special? Sure, she was seeing her alone, in a classroom, to do a fitting...but that was insignificant. She needed to calm down, or Catra would smell her fear and prey on it. It's what she did best; manipulation. And being manipulated by Catra was the one thing Adora couldn't avoid.

"Hey, Adora."

She took a breath, glad she wasn't facing the beautiful demon, and slowly turned, keeping her face neutral.

"Should we go in?"

Catra tilted her head towards the door, and Adora pushed it open, waiting for Catra to go first when the other girl waited for her. Adora gave up, walking in first as Catra followed. Adora's eyes panned down to the hangar Catra held, but a cloth covered the item.

"It's not done yet. I need to make sure the shoulders and arms fit before I finalize it, since we didn't get those measurements the other day."

Adora nodded, trying hard to forget the afternoon they spent in her dorm. She thought of her own project, Catra's leather jacket, sitting unfinished on her sewing machine, and felt slightly ashamed of herself. Catra managed to get on top of her workload, why couldn't she?

"Sorry I havn't finished yours yet, I thought we had another week or so."

"We do, I just....had a burst of inspiration."

Catra murmured the last few words, hesitating to meet Adora's eyes, whose were fixated on her. It did indeed look like she had lost sleep, her eyes a bit tired and hair slightly messy. Adora didn't mind it though, Catra could pull any look off.

"Okay, jumper off."

Adora obeyed, slipping off the new grey hoodie she'd bought the previous day. She noticed Catra's eyes scan it before looking back at her.

"Shopping spree?"

She wasn't aware Catra noticed when she bought new items or not, but apparently she did.

"Yeah, I needed some clothes."

Catra nodded, unveiling the artifact of clothing she held in her hands. Adora tried not to gasp at it, a gorgeous oversized letterman jacket. She'd seen them in movies, but never thought of having one herself. She stared at it, soft white fabric with dull red accents. Catra pulled out various stitchings of another bag, Adora catching one with a blue letter 'A' and various other designs. She swiped through them, one eye still marveling over the jacket.

"This is amazing, how did you get these?"

The stitching was flawless, Catra must've paid a hefty price for such unique patches. She looked over to the girl, who pinkened slightly.

"I made them."

Adora stopped, stunned.


Must've been a heck of a lot of inspiration if Catra had made a perfect jacket and patches to be sewn onto it.

"These are really good Catra, you could make a brand."

She watched her move around the other end of the table, their eyes meeting as Adora stood stunned by the item. She wasn't nearly good enough to judge the technique on this work, but the ideas were trendy yet unique. A slight twist on what everyone else made.

"Thanks, I..would like too. Someday."

Catra rubbed the back of her neck, as if...shy? Was Catra even capable of being shy? Adora smiled, finding it a bit cute. Running her fingers across the laid out jacket, Adora felt awed by it. It was stupid really, it was only a jacket after all.

The Brightmoon Institution (Catradora Boarding School AU)Where stories live. Discover now