A Steady Weight

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Tiredness bore down on Adora like a weight. She wasn't sure if it was the grey mess of spaghetti, or the weariness of the whole day, but all she felt like doing was sleeping.

"It's only eight, why am I so tired?"

She asked the question to herself, but to her surprise, Catra responded.

"Same. It's probably from traveling or something, I doubt Prime's poisoning the air."

She chuckled at her own joke, Adora smiling lightly. Of course it wasn't Prime who was doing this to her, it was her own damn body's fault for being so fatigued.

"Hey, do you mind if I sleep with you tonight?"

That question broke through Adora's thoughts in a clean slice, instantly waking the girl up.


She averted Catra's gaze, fearful she was going to heat up like a bright red tomato if she did.

"Yeah, I just...I don't know, feel lonely?"

Adora nodded vigorously with understanding.

"The beds are a bit small, and we'll have to dodge the hallway cameras, but sure."

Catra smiled shyly and Adora quickly looked away, drumming her fingers against her knees while her head spun.

Could she like me?

Don't be ridiculous.

But what if she did?

Then you'd ignore it. School comes first.

Adora's eyes glazed over, all too consumed by the argument occurring in her head.

Before she knew it she'd finished her food, Warran smiling worriedly at them before departing over to his own quarters for the night.

"Are you guys involved?"

He whispered over to Adora as she gave him a hug, who nearly shrieked at the unreachable thought of Catra being involved with her. It was obvious Adora had feelings for her, who wouldn't? Catra was funny, breathtaking, charming, witty, extraordinary, beautiful, intelligent-


Warran blinked at her, and Adora quickly shook off her thoughts to answer him.

"No, nope, just friends."

Her heart ached only slightly to say that, but it quickly brushed over.

"Well, I guess that's good then. Dating is forbidden."

Warran shrugged in disappointment, making Adora wonder if perhaps Warran liked someone in the school.

"Yeah, it is good."

Her mind spun, too occupied with both conspiracies of Warran and thoughts about Catra.

"Come on Adora, we got to dodge the rush before everyone head back to their rooms."

Nodding in assent, Adora let Catra grab her hand, trying to ignore the sparks that ran across her skin at the touch.

God, it was dangerous, the effect she had on her by merely grabbing her wrist.

"How do we do this?"

Catra paused at the corner, finally turning to Adora. She hadn't let go of her hand, the two clasping onto each other for several moments before they both realized and quickly let go, twin blushes blooming on their cheeks.

"I doubt Prime watches the videos himself, so whoever is monitoring it won't realize we've both gone into the same room if we've done it separately."

Adora kept her eyes trained on their surroundings, watchful for anyone walking up and down the corridors. The music had been playing all night, soft like an enchanting lullaby but loud enough to be heard over the chatter of the school. Nothing of actual interest was played over the speaker as of yet, though, which probably wasn't the best outcome. Adora wanted to find some dirt on Prime so Angella could maintain her position.

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