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Adora wasn't so happy to roll into Math, considering she had a double period of it, and it was eight o'clock in the morning. She'd found herself to be incredibly sluggish while at Prime Elite, unmotivated to get out of bed earlier than what was necessary.

"Ah, another day of science!"

"Isn't this Math?"

Adora looked up at the teacher, having being seated in the front row. She was eccentric, to say the least. Looking at her certainly wasn't boring, but she hardly looked like a math teacher. If Adora had merely seen her on campus she'd think her to be an art teacher or something.

After all, what Math professor had long purple extensions, a matching jumpsuit, and brightly colored eyes?

"Oh, right, Math. The backbone to science!"

Was she just planning on relating everything back to science?

"Alright, my little Newtons, solve this theorem for me."

She pinned something up on the board, something that confused the fuck out of Adora. Everyone just looked at her blankly, except for Warran, who was scribbling something down on his tablet.


Adora knew Warran was quite intelligent, a bit of a dork really. But she'd grown to like him, found him to be the only good one in this entire school.

Besides, he was in most of her classes, so it was good to actually have a friend, or at least something close to it

"Yes! Correct!"

She wrote up the answer on the board and pulled out some odd recorder contraption.

"Eight fourteen, Mr. Warran."

She mumbled something else to herself, probably the answer Warran had just shown her, and typed into her laptop.

"Excellent Warran, this will be perfect for my new invention."

She smiled gleefully to herself, knotting up her hair as she sat down.

"Uh, what are we doing?"

Adora leaned across to whisper to Warran after a few minutes, when Entrapta hadn't given them any instructions.

"Math is mostly self driven, she doesn't really teach us anything, but she wrote the textbook, so I guess that's something?"

Adora nodded slowly, thankful she was half-decent at the subject. She'd be able to figure it out if the textbook was explained well enough.


"How's the designs coming along?"

Adora talked around her apple, something to distract herself from the harsh sour flavor. The food around here didn't hold a candle to Brightmoon's cafeteria, even simple fruit couldn't be ripened in this dingy sewer school.

"They're coming, at least there's that. I think I've got your piece ready, I just need you to get fitted. We might have to do that this afternoon?"

The fact that Catra had made a piece of art inspired by her still swept Adora off her feet sometimes. She nodded slowly, wondering what the clothing would actually look like, and if it would even suit her.

"Also, look what I found."

Catra slid something under the table, her eyes meaningfully meeting Adora's.

Be careful. There are eyes everywhere.

The sign that bolded Prime Sees All! Glared at her from behind Catra's eyes. She purposefully dodged it, returning back to the plate of disappointing food.

The Brightmoon Institution (Catradora Boarding School AU)Where stories live. Discover now