Repaying the Favour

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Adora reached over as the alarm replayed in her head with a persistent ring, stuffing her face into the pillow. It sounded different, but the pillow was likely just distorting the sound, or she was going mad. One of the two. She debated getting out of bed, but the second it crossed her mind her head pounded and she couldn't fathom getting out of the warm, safe haven. A haven that smelt like-

Adora slowly opened her eyes, rolling over to see a slumbering Catra besides her, flawless as ever.

Without thinking, Adora screamed.

It didn't only hurt her ears and throat, but she quickly shut her mouth as the headache pounded through her again, a reverberating drum. When she realized Catra was blinking her eyes open, she scrambled to get out of the bed, but Catra just pushed her back into the mattress.


The relaxed girl simply burrowed her face into her pillow as if Adora wasn't there, as if they literally weren't sleeping in the same bed right now. Adora panicked when she couldn't recall anything from last night, literally only stepping inside Catra's dorm. Dorm, not room, and downing a shot. How much did she drink?

"What happened?"

Adora massaged her head as she heard a breathy chuckle beside her. She turned her head to see a snarky smile on Catra, who was propping her head on her palm.

"You got drunk. Barely had two shots and you were all over the place."

Adora turned red as she thought of what she might've done the night before. Two shots? Really? Was that honestly the most she could handle?

"Where's my friends?"

"Sparkles and Arrows? I actually have no idea. I went to go find them, but you made that awfully difficult. Passed out and I couldn't handle your dead weight in the crowd."

"Sorry I ruined your night."

Adora didn't like the thought of Catra babysitting her like she was some toddler, but the other girl just shrugged.

"I ruined yours a few weeks ago. Guess I had to pay it back sometime or another."

Adora supposed she was right, she had to babysit Catra at the Salineas party. It was ironic how she had looked after her last night.

"How bad was I?"

"Pretty bad."

Adora looked at her confused, while Catra just smirked at her.

"Why'd you say it like that?"

"Oh, no reason."

Adora just kept looking at her, and Catra just licked her lips.

"It was your word of the night. Pretty hands, pretty eyes,"

Catra leaned closer, eyes scanning Adora's face.

"Pretty lips."

Adora turned beet red as Catra backed away, wishing she could quite literally evaporate into thin air. Catra just laughed at the embarrassment.

"We all do stupid shit when we're drunk, it's fine."

She turned away, rolling onto her back as Adora snuck a look at her.

"Why did you sleep here?"

She remembered how she ditched her own bed to let Catra sleep in hers, but Catra seemed to have no problem sleeping next to a passed out drunk last night.

"It's my bed, I wasn't gonna sleep on the couch someone else was passed out on."

Adora shrugged.

"Fair enough, I guess."

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