Pretty Stilettos?

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 Time crawled past, inching it's way toward's the end of October, and subsequently, the end of the year.

"Come on. Give me a hint."

Adora lay down on the bed, reciting lines in her mind while her head hung upside down on the edge. Catra was settled on the carpet, organizing and rearranging time slots on her laptop. Most of her work was complete, she just had to arrange the order of events on the night.

"I already told you Adora. I don't need anything."

Adora groaned at that response, shooting a look at Glimmer, who sat near the coffee table with sheets of art designs.


She answered to Adora's piercing gaze, putting down her sketching pencil.

"She does kinda have a point. We already have everything we want."

Glimmer shrugged, returning to her work. Adora rolled her eyes, way to show off their opulence. She needed Bow's assistance, he would probably have a similar issue when giving Glimmer presents.

"Useless. Utterly useless!"

She threw her hands up in exasperation before folding them across her chest like a petulant child.

"There, there."

Catra absentmindedly wrapped her hand around Adora's upside down head, planting a kiss to the side before returning her attention back to her work. It did little to soothe Adora's annoyance at the situation, and she planted her hands down on the carpet, kicking her feet off the bed and using the momentum to land on her feet gracefully.

"I'm going for a run."

She wasn't actually, but it didn't cause either Glimmer or Catra to bat an eye. Leaving the dorm, Adora pulled out her phone.

"Hey, is it ready?"

"I don't know anyone more organized than myself, darling. Of course it is."

Adora exhaled, glad at least something was sorted.

True to their word, DT had taken care of most of the party planning details, leaving Adora with the guest list and schedule to organize. The party was in three days, two days before Catra's actual birthday, which was one day before the fashion show. Adora knew Catra would hardly enjoy the celebration if it was planned on her actual birthday, so the festivities had to be premature.

The only thing left was Catra's present, which was severely bugging her.

"Have you been practicing?"

"I already know all the lines DT, I recited all of them for you last Thursday, remember?"

"I was referring to your, ahem, catwalk."

Oh. Adora had in fact been ignoring the moonstone studded heels locked away in her closet. Those shoes were more frightening than Prime himself.. Well, almost.

"Uh, definitely."

"Liar, liar, pants on fire," DT sing sang into the phone. Adora gritted her teeth. Since their first runway session, DT hadn't stopped taunting her with her inability to walk in heels. She had tripped last time, twice.

Thankfully, DT hadn't informed Catra of the incident, or else the poor girl's head would probably split in two. Catra did not need anymore stress then necessary. Adora would master her walk before the show...she desperately hoped.

"Meet me today at three. Bring the shoes."

Adora groaned, that was the last thing she wanted to do.

"No sooking. I'll see you in the theatre."

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