She Was...Everything.

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"Can you just stay still for one goddamn second?"

Catra growled as Adora squirmed again. The day had passed, and now they stood in Adora's dormitory, getting each other's measurements so they could begin making and cutting the patterns for their respective pieces.

"I can't help it, you're tickling me!"

Adora giggled again as Catra's measuring tape brushed past her hips. She literally couldn't control it, the sensation was too much to handle.

"Alright you big baby. Do me?"

Adora put on her glasses, grabbing the measuring tape as Catra glanced at her curiously. Adora looked down slightly on the shorter girl, wondering if she should get on her knees or find some sort of ledge for Catra to stand on. Glancing around the room, she just bent down. It'd save them time rather than build a wobbly kind of platform.

"Since when did you have glasses?"

"I don't know, Shadow Weaver got ma-"

Adora paused, rethinking whether she should mention this to Catra. She decided against it, but the other girl stared at her imploringly.

"I got them when I was twelve."

Catra looked like she was going to say something, and Adora momentarily waited. But the moment passed and it was just them awkwardly looking at each other, Adora from the floor with Catra standing over her. She quickly looked back down, raising one of her legs into a lunge so she could access Catra's waist.

"Okay, lift your shirt up."

"Excuse me?"

Adora smirked slightly, glancing up.

"I need to get your waist."

Catra blushed and Adora's grin widened. She quickly attempted to stifle it, but they both knew it was there. Focussing on the yellow tone of the tape measure and not the strip of toned stomach exposed to her, Adora gently wrapped the tape around the thinnest section, following the instructions of her book exactly. She looked up when she heard the softest gasp escape from Catra.

"You good?"

Catra nodded hurriedly.

"Yeah, just...cold hands," she mumbled. Adora didn't think her hands were cold, but she supposed she couldn't really tell, them being her own hands and all.

"You want it to be cropped, I'm assuming?"

Catra nodded, seeming to be at a loss for words.

"You can drop your shirt now."

Adora turned from writing down the measurements and saw Catra blush slightly again, dropping the shirt. Adora stood to move around to Catra's backside before pausing.

"What is it?"

Adora bit her lip slightly and blushed, thankful Catra couldn't see her properly.

"I have to take the bust measurement, but I think you can do that yourself."

Now they both reddened, and Catra gently grabbed the tape held out to her, measuring herself. She repeated them to Adora, who quickly wrote them down, keeping the heat of her cheeks suppressed.

"Alright, now the arms."

That was quick and easy, Ms Ella had given them a special measuring tape for it when she found they were making jackets.

"And shoulders."

Adora moved to behind her again, requesting the girl to hold up her hair so it didn't disproportion the measurement.

The Brightmoon Institution (Catradora Boarding School AU)Where stories live. Discover now