Never Have I Ever...

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Going on her usual run and workout felt right, despite practically the entire school still being asleep. Putting on her socks and sneakers, Adora started her warm up.

"Be back by seven, that's when mom said she'll pick us up."

Adora nodded to Glimmer, who wasn't completely passed out for once. Adora's eyes snagged on the empty suitcase, realizing why Glimmer had woken up early.

"Still haven't packed?"

Glimmer made a face at her as Adora chuckled, adjusting her hat. She left the dorm, putting her watch on to track the activity and her heart rate.

The run was brisk, nothing too heavy considering she wanted to hit the gym and get some sets in. She grabbed her gym bag from her locker, putting the keys in her pocket as she approached the glass door to enter.


She remembered seeing Catra in the gym towards the start of the term, but she hadn't seen her since. Adora just assumed she had stopped going or was trying to avoid her.

"Long time, no see."

Catra huffed as she got off the bicycle machine, wiping a few bead of sweat as she chugged from a water bottle. Adora just stared, trying to find words.

"Yeah, been a while since I've seen you here."

"Lonnie took a P.T course a while back for extra credit, so she has some stuff I can use in our dorm."

Adora looked at her, slightly confused.

"P.T Course?"

"Yeah, have you never heard of it?"

Adora looked at her with a dumbfounded expression.

"A Personal Training Course? You learn about muscle groups and movements. I don't know too much about it, mostly sorta know through Lonnie's old textbooks."

The thought of learning about the gym academically excited Adora, making her all the more curious.

"Has Lonnie finished the course?"

"She finished like a year ago, why?"

The question slipped from Adora's mind like water, as if Catra would comply with her request to have a look at Lonnie's textbook. It wasn't like she was going to take a PT Course anyway, she was on track to become President.

"Never mind, it's nothing. Is Lonnie or any of your other friends coming?"

"No. They're doing something together, separately."

Adora gave her a quizzical look at the tone Catra had muttered in.

"They invited me, I just-"

"You were forced to come by your mom?"

Catra's eyes jumped to hers, and Adora could tell she'd just supplemented Catra with a lie.

"Yeah, I guess."

Catra shrugged and Adora let the subject drop. Her mind seemed to be preoccupied, but Adora didn't want to pry.

"I'll see you later."

Adora nodded, watching Catra put her AirPods back in and hop back on the bike. Adora debated just leaving the gym, but decided against it. She wasn't going to leave just because Catra was here, she actually wanted to get a workout done. Stepping up to the weight rack, Adora began loading the bar. Her head turned as she felt eyes on her, but she didn't look away when she noticed Catra staring. She could stare all she liked, Adora wasn't going to be intimidated into leaving the gym. Somehow, Adora pulled some confidence out of herself, winking at Catra as she ducked under the bar to begin her squats.

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