Expensive Hangars

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The weekend rolled around fast, and Adora picked up her weekly call from Shadow Weaver on a gloomy Saturday morning. She looked over at her desk, smothered by various books and devices. Inwardly groaning, Adora make a mental to-do list. She'd already penciled in Bow's meeting with his dad's for the afternoon in her planner, but she wasn't sure when Glimmer had wanted to go shopping.


She plastered a smile for her adoptive mother, and received a neutral one back. Adora's false grin quickly faded.

"Hello, Adora. I'm pleased with your results so far, they're excellent, save for Textiles."

Adora awkwardly blushed and turned away, deflecting the praise.

"I'd like to see you soon."

Adora paused, trying to think of what to say.

"Actually, I'm really busy right now. Lot's of assignments, homework and stuff. I could fly down sometime later in the year, but don't bother coming up here to see me."

The thought of Catra seeing Shadow Weaver popped up in her mind, and she made a note to make sure they never ran into each other.

"Very well. We'll organize a date later for you to fly down."

"Sounds good. Um, one other thing?"


"I'm going shopping with my friends, I was wondering if maybe I could get some money?"

There was a ringing silence on the other end, and Adora wondered if she'd aggravated her, cringing back in defense. The words were ready to slip off her tongue, apologies and promises, but Shadow Weaver finally spoke.

"Yes, I suppose I can transfer you."

Adora slowly loosed her breath, thanking the mentor. Suddenly, she heard a laugh and thump in the other room, and smiled to herself, thinking of her friends.

"Um, I actually have a bit to do now, so..."

"Hmm. You seem busy. I'll be calling around the same time next week, Adora."

Adora nodded and cut off the call, taking a few deep breaths before exploring what Bow and Glimmer were doing.


Adora looked outside at the weather, deciding to wear her puffer over a pair of leggings and crop. A simple outfit, but Bow had specified to not dress fancy. They were just meeting his dads in a coffee shop, nothing too special. She slipped on some platform sneakers and pulled her hair into a loose braid. Bow had adopted the activity of teaching Adora how to braid her own hair, she found she liked a few of the hairstyles.

"Is this alright?"

She spun herself in front of Bow, who just wore a pair of loose jeans, sneakers and a cropped tank. He pulled on a mid length leather jacket, spritzing on some cologne before turning to her.

"Perfect. Let's get Glimmer before heading out."

"How are we getting there?"

Adora walked backwards so she could face both her friends.

"They sent a car for us."

Did everyone in this school just have chauffeurs?

"Oh, hey Adora."

She paused as Catra passed by her, spinning to look back at her. Catra in day clothes was...different. It was as if she was about to go to the gym, sporting an all black look. Adora tried not to stare, her eyes refusing to take in the skin tight sleeved shirt she wore, complete with leggings. She could literally act in one of those badass spy movies. Pulling on a baseball cap, Catra loosened her ponytail.

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