S2 Chapter 8: Shadow Knows

Start from the beginning

President: Do you really think so?

Woman: I do, sir.

Sam: Hey, what makes you think it wasn't Y/n?

President: Because Y/n has an alibi. He was with a woman named Ella all night, looking for a good school to enrole Cream into.

Sam: Man, the lengths that guy will go for that rabbit.


In a museum a hedgehog like figure stood in front of a glass case holding the Green Chaos Emerald, but it was so dark the figures face wasn't visible. The alarm sounded and the figure got surrounded by drones as it was leaving. They shot at the hedgehog but it dodged and effortlessly destroyed all of them.

At the white house.

Man: Mr. President, I have some bad news. Sonic was just seen at the National Museum of Art attempting to steal the Chaos Emerald.

President: It can't be!

Man: My men are awaiting your instructions, sir.

President: We have no choice. Find him and place him under arrest.

Man: Yes, Mr. President. I'll alert all divisions immediately, sir.

At the Thorndyke's new place.

They were all watching the news.

Reporter: And now, a breaking news story. I'm standing in the main pavilion of the National Museum of Art, where earlier tonight, a thief broke through security and stole a priceless Chaos Emerald. Authorities found these images on tapes confiscated from the museum's security cameras.

They looked at the footage.

Chris: Was that Sonic?

Cream: It can't be! Sonic would never take something that didn't belong to him!

Cheese: Chao, chao, chao, chao, chao, chao!

Chuck: Yeah, right. That was Sonic on those security tapes!

Chris: It can't be!

Ella/Mr. Tanaka: He was framed!

Cream: That's right!

Chaos: Hmm.

Y/n: There something wrong, Chaos?

Chaos: I want to take another look at the footage.

Y/n: Chuck, play the tapes again.

Chuck reminded the tapes and let it play.

Chaos: Pause it there!

Chuck paused the footage.

Y/n: That definitely isn't Sonic.

Chuck: How can you be sure?

Y/n: Sonic is blue, that hedgehog is black. Great work catching that, Chaos.

Chaos: It was nothing.

Reporter: According to reports, Sonic has destroyed numerous government tanks and fled to an unknown location.

Chris: But there... There must be some kind of mistake! Sonic wouldn't. Y/n, Chaos, you even said it wasn't him.

Y/n: Yes, but not everyone is as observant as me.

Cream: What do you think, big brother?

Y/n: Well, we don't have enough information. It would help if I knew that hedgehog in the video.

With Sonic.

He was fighting off government robots and was now facing a big one.

Sonic: Can't hang around, big guy, sorry. I'll give you a ring sometime, (pulls out ring) what do you say?

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