Chapter 12; Fallout from the Bad News

Começar do início

Eve gives a small smile but Kaitlyn shakes her head.

"Seriously," she says. "Please just pretend everything's all right"

Kaitlyn walks slowly towards the two teenagers, leaving me, Eve, and Rener alone.

"She's brave," Eve says like a proud mother.

"Yes," I agree, my voice cracking. Crap!

"It's okay," Eve says reassuringly as her and Rener pull me into a big group hug. "She'll be okay"

I want to believe her, I really do.

"Okay let's get started!" Rener announces as we break the hug. He and Blake walk over to the corner of the room to do warm-up exercises together. Kaitlyn chats with Marissa. Me and Eve sit down and watch the men in action.

Something about Blake seems to intrigue me. By the looks of it, he doesn't have the adorable snarky attitude like Dolph has that has made me and him great friends, and he isn't quite as hot at Mi.......other guys. But something just makes him appeal to me.

"Hey Eve?"


"Why is Blake so hot?" I ask. Eve bursts out laughing.

"He's like seventeen AJ," Eve says. "He's like what... Eight years younger than you maybe?"

"Yeah I guess," I mumble.

"But I get what you mean," Eve says. "He looks like that villian..."

"...From that superhero movie!" I finish for her. "He looks like the evil teenage villian from that superhero movie that just came out!"

"Yeah," Eve says. "The resemblance is painfully close."

I nod.

"Actually, it's so close that Rener has even nicknamed Blake 'Villian'," Eve says. "Blake likes being called villian."

Somehow our conversation turns into one of talking about our favorite superhero movies, a topic that had gladly gotten my mind off of everything I did to Kaitlyn. Well... Until he came in.




Wades voice rings through my ears.


"Where is she AJ?"

"AJ where is she?"

"SHUT UP!" I yell into Wades face. "Yeesh, let me talk!"

I give Eve an apologetic look and follow Wade over into a corner.

"AJ where is she?" Wade asks for what could possibly be the millionth time. I don't care if he is British so he has a sweet voice. There is only so many times someone can say my name without getting their teeth knocked out.

"Where is who?" I demand.


"She's over there," I say pointing at Kaitlyn and Marissa who are talking in the corner. "Now leave me alone"

"Okay," Wade says running away like a lovesick puppy.

"Holy crap that guy is annoying," I mutter to myself. I turn around to see Eve looking at me, eyebrow raised.

"And you're not, AJ?" 


~~~Kaitlyn Point of View~~~ 

"Wow, your brother is really good," I compliment Marissa. Marissa smiles and I realize I hit a good chord in her; she likes talking about her brothers success.

"Yes," Marissa agrees. "He is really good, I'm surprised I didn't know until like last year."

"How old is he?"

"17," Marissa says. "He's getting pretty old."

I laugh. 17 sure is not old. "He's almost got to choose a college or university to go to?"

"He already knows where he's going," Marissa says. "Rener has everything planned out for him."

"We'll then he is set up for success," I tell her. "Rener is an amazing coach."

"He is," Marissa agrees. "He was almost able to teach ME Jiu-Jitsu."

"You tried it?"

"Rener and Blake made me," she says in shame. "I failed miserably."

I laugh with her until I feel a cold hand on my shoulder.

I turn around to see Wade staring down at me. Marissa sighs.

"Wade!" I say shocked. I wrap my arms around him and he hugs me close. We could've stayed that way forever but we were interrupted by the sound of Marissa coughing.

"Oh umm... Marissa this is Wade," I say breaking apart from Wade nervously. "Wade this is Marissa."

"We've met," Marissa says. "Of course, that wasnt exactly a proper meeting but whatever."

"Yeah that's true," Wade agrees.

"So... You two dating or what?" Marissa asks.

I laugh nervously while Wade rubs his neck clearly feeling embarrassed.

"No," I say finally. "We're not dating."

"Oh you don't sound so sure," Marissa says. I look at her to see her trying to hold back a smile. Damn, this girl likes making people uncomfortable.

"Well... She is sure so..." Wade says.

"Hmm.." Marissa says. A wave of silence fills the air.

"I'd better go," I say finally.

"Yeah me too," Wade says. We say our good-byes to Marissa and head over to Eve.

"Where's AJ?" I ask. Eve shrugs.

"Mike came in here and they got into your guy's car and left," Eve says.


"I could drive you back," Wade offers. I nod and we head to his car. The whole way there although only a short five minute drive, we don't talk at all. 


Wade walks me up to my hotel room and opens the door for me.

"Remember how Marissa asked if we were dating?" Wade asks which catches me off guard. Heck, most things he says catches me off guard nowadays.

"Yes," I say. "And i said we weren't. Your point?"

"If you wanted, we could change that," Wade says.

I laugh.

"Maybe, maybe," I respond.

A/N: Okay so here is the chapter schedule i have planned out. Next chapter is just a mini-chapter about what happens between Miz and AJ. It's not anything romantic mind you (if you'd like it to be, feel free to tell me :) ). The next chapter after that is Elimination Chamber. How will Mr. McMahon react to Kaitlyn's injury? It will all be in that chapter.

Besides that, you may reckgonize(?) a new cover for the story. Thank you so much @CenaGirl113 for making it :D

Thank you anyone who is reading this right now. Every single one of the reads i get means SO much and i really want you guys to know how happy it makes me to see the reads get higher and higher


ChickbustersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora