Chapter 6- Unexpected

Start from the beginning

Y/N- I would feel much safer if you came with me.

Jimin nods, full of understanding.

???- Here I am! Will you come with me?

Y/N- We'll both go.

Jimin- Actually, there's no need for all of us to go. Give me you list, we'll get the supplies for you.

???- Oh...but I was hoping...

Jimin reaches out, and the girl gives him her list, shaking. She looked terrified.

Y/N- I'll make sure to bring you your supplies when we come back. Let's go, Jimin.

 We reach the hallway where I was being chased by the monster, and I start feeling weak in the knees.

Jimin- It's alright Y/N. You're not in danger.

Y/N- Yes, thank you.

I need a colleague to remind me to keep my head on my shoulders...What is wrong with me?

Jimin- I can't imagine how terrifying it must have been to see what you saw. Still, it's good to remember the importance of focus. Otherwise, you might miss something.

Y/N- What are you implying?

Jimin- They said there were signs of struggle around the place that girl disappeared right?

Y/N- Yes. Blood, specifically.

Jimin- That doesn't mean much to us, but if there was a struggle, the girl might have injured the monster at some point.

Y/N- So you're hoping for something that could identify it?

Jimin- Or tell us more about what kind of creature we're dealing with. A blood or tissue sample would be great, but hair or nails would be just as good.

How come it didn't cross my mind?

Jimin- You look worried. Is there anything you want to ask me?

Y/N- Hey, do you have any family here?

Jimin looks at me, and it seems I've caught him off guard with my question.

Jimin- Why do you ask?

Y/N- Well, we've known each other for a while now, and you've never talked about them.

Jimin- I'm sure you've concluded there must be a reason behind that.

Y/N- I imagine there was. Do you want to talk about it?

Jimin- No, and I would appreciate it if you would respect my privacy going forward.

I can feel our bond has grown a little colder. Perhaps, if I try again in the future, I could get closer to him.

Jimin- What's this stench? Stay behind me Y/N.

I sway, barely managing to lean against Jimin's arm.

Jimin- We should leave.

This smell...I know this smell.


Jimin- It's behind that shelf. Help me knock it over!

What the hell am I doing?! I lean against a tall shelf and push as hard as I can.

Y/N- Come one...fall!

It falls, burying the monster underneath.

Jimin- did it.

Y/N- That won't keep it there. Let's go.

We turn towards the storage room door, but it closes and locks down before we can leave.

Y/N- How the hell did that happen?!

Jimin- Do you have a keycard to open it from this side?

Y/N- I didn't bring one...did you?

Jimin- No. I suppose we're stuck here.


Y/N- We need to find a way out before that thing frees itself!

The door opens suddenly, and the girl from before stands behind it, confused.

???- You...were taking too long, so I thought I should check on I interrupting something?

We bolt through the door and lock it.

Y/N- You've saved our lives. Thank you!

Girl- Uh, sure. Wait, why is there such a mess inside?

Jimin- We believe we've trapped the thing that's responsible for the disappearance of that girl.

???- You...trapped a monster?

Y/N- Yes, and we need to get backup before it breaks free!

???- ...You go home. I'll do that.

Y/N- What? Why?

???- You've been under the spotlight and blamed for what happened. If you report the monster, I guarantee you someone will think it was yuo who brought it to the lab in the first place.

Y/N- That doesn't make sense.

Jimin- Humans rarely make sense. It could be that the girl is right and the best things for right now would be to go home and let someone else deal with the mess and the police.

I could really use the time away from the spotlight...

Y/N- Alright, Thank you. It's out of my hands now.

Jimin and I both decide to go straight to our homes and sleep the day away.

Once I reach home, I get a message from Jimin.

 Hello, Y/N. I hope I'm not bothering you.
We should talk when you have some time.
See you at the lab.

I decided to watch TV before I go to the shower.

Y/N- Oh, no..

Is this real?

TV- She was last seen with a fellow student who, as we find out, has also claimed to be the last person who disappeared this week

Y/N- What am I going to do?

I pace around the living room, my heart racing, almost as fast as my thoughts when my phone rings.

*OTP* Detective NJ- Miss, Y/N. I hope I'm not bothering you.

Y/N- As a matter of fact, you are. I just saw what happened on the news, and it had nothing to do with me.

Detective NJ- Two students have gone missing in a matter of days, and your name pops up in both cases.

Y/N- I don't know anything. Unless, I'm a suspect, I'd prefer if you didn't involve me in your investigation.

Detective NJ-...Have a nice day, miss Y/N.

I'm a suspect, aren't I? The idea is too strange for me to accept. I still haven't recovered from the shock when someone bangs on my front door.

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