"Virgil, open the damn door!" Michonne shouted. "Ally!"

"I trusted you both, and you ruined it."

The woman slammed her fist on the door. "Open the damn door, Virgil!"

Virgil slid closed the panel of the window as the dark-skinned woman screamed for both him and Alice. He bent down, picked up the teen, and tossed her over his shoulder.

He walked to another door and slammed it open causing three people to jump in fear. Virgil tossed Alice into the room before closing the door shut again and an audible click of the lock was heard.


Alice shot up, breathing heavily as she woke up with a start. Her head was pounding and her vision was slightly blurry as she blinked it away. As her vision cleared, Alice was startled by the three people crowded around her.

"Hey, it's alright." One of the women said, kneeling in front of her.

The woman was a bit on the heavier side, her curly black hair was short and frizzy framing her olive-colored face. Alice's eyes were wide as dinner plates, shifting over to the next woman.

She was smaller in size compared to the first woman, with short wavy blonde hair and pale skin, and next to her was a man. Taller and skinner than both women, he was scruffy looking, with light brown messy hair, and his pale face was covered with a beard.

"W-Where am I?" Alice asked, looking around the small room. This room was different from the other one; this one was lived it, rather than the cold and wet. "Where's Michonne?"

"Hey, it's alright." One of the woman spoke again. "Your friend, she's on the other side of this wall. In the room he took you from. As far as we know she's okay."

Alice climbed to her feet, wedging herself between the two women and placed her face against the tiled wall. She strained, trying to listen for any movement on the other side, when there was a shuffle. She banged her hand against the wall and yelled.

"Michonne!" there was bang and yell of frustration in the other side. "Michonne!"

"Ally!" Michonne cried. "Ally, where are you? Are you okay!?"

Alice sighed in relief, sliding down the wall and onto the bed. "I'm in other room and I'm okay. Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." The dark woman replied as a shuffle was heard. "How long have I been in here? We been in here?"

The redhead glanced over to the blonde haired woman as she spoke. "A day maybe?"

Michonne moaned. "A day? Why didn't you answer me when I called out to you the first time?"

"He blows up at us sometimes." The man answered. "Gets in one of his moods."

"When he's angry like that, it's best to be quiet." The curly haired woman says.

"You guys know this building, right?" Michonne asked, her voice muffled by the wall. "What's the layout?"

The curly haired woman shook her head. "Don't bother trying to escape."

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