S2 Chapter 7: Project Shadow

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Man: Sonic, thanks a lot!

Ailey's mom: You too, Y/n!

Y/n: You should thanking Chaos. He did the hard part.

Ailey's mom: Well, be sure to tell him I said "thanks".

Chaos came out of Y/n's bracelet.

Y/n: Tell him yourself.

Ailey's mom: Thank you for saving my little girl, Chaos!

At the white house.

The President was signing papers.

President: When I ran for this job, I thought I'd be tackling the world's problems head on. Instead I'm the most powerful paperpusher in the world. I wish, just, just once, I could do something heroic. Like Sonic or Y/n!

Woman: Here's the bill declaring Station Square to be a disaster area.

President: Oh, well! I suppose somebody has to sign this stuff.

Woman: And this is executive order 11378.

President: You'll have to refresh my memory.

Woman: A new series of robots will be built which are specially designed to combat Dr. Eggman.

President: Er, good idea! Am I done now?

Woman: One last thing.

President: What's this?

Woman: A security clearance. We just hired your new driver and he starts today. He's called Sam Speed. Apparently, he lives up to his name.

The President got a message from Y/n.

President: Wonder what Y/n wants?

He read the message.

President: "Hey, sir. I would like to ask for a temporary leave of absence while my home is being fixed." I think so.

He started to reply.

President: (Texting: Sure, but promise me you'll come back here if we need you.)

Y/n: (Texting: Okay.)

With Y/n.

He was with Tails, Amy Cream and Cheese along with the Thorndyke's, Mr. Tanaka, Ella, Danny, Francis and Helen.

Lindsay: I'll miss you, darling!

Chris: Me, too, Mom.

Cream: This is it! Goodbye!

She cried into Y/n's chest who patted the back of her head.

Y/n: It's okay, Cream.

Chuck: What's the big deal?

Nelson: Yeah, I promise you'll all be seeing each other again in a month or two, just a soon as we have everything cleaned up at the house.

Ella: Why are you coming with us again, Y/n?

Y/n: The flood wrecked our house too. So, Cream has to go with you and I can't leave her side being her mentor, so you're stuck with me too.

Danny: Don't forget to send me a postcard.

Francis: Me, too, Chris! Okay?

Chris: I will.

Helen: I wish you could stay, Chris. Things won't be the same here without you, Y/n or Mr. Stewart around.

Chris: Isn't Sonic gonna say goodbye?

Amy: Sonic had to run. But he did tell me to say that he'd see you later, Chris.

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