"What the hell, Y/N?" Rose groaned in pain as she got up, followed by Y/N who turned on her phone flashlight.

A quick glimpse down her clothes made Rose realize her jeans had now a big cut on her knee as well with some drops of fresh blood.

"Those were my favorites! You idiot! You're buying me new ones." Rose slapped Y/N's arm, as she bent down to touch her knee.

"Sorry, I will, I guess! Are you alright?" Y/N asked in a concerned tone.

"Yeah, just a bruised knee and a $70 bucks jeans ruined, thank you very much." Rose responded in an sarcastic tone, making Y/N chuckle. "Now if you excuse me, I'm... We're going back home..."

"What? No, don't be ridiculous, it's almost 3 A.M., I already snuck out, I'm not going anywhere and you can't walk home by yourself."

"So you're not coming? Cool, should've seen that coming... I'm calling a taxi or something." Rose patted the pockets of her jeans in search of her phone. Panicking when she couldn't find it. "Crap."


"I lost my phone." Rose panicked as she tried to search it around them. She only took a step when a small crack sound was heard.

"I think you found it." Y/N said with an amused smile, pointing the light to Rose stepping on the phone.

"You think?" Rose snapped in an even more sarcastic tone as she picked up the phone. "And it's cracked. Great. Just what I fucking needed."

"It'll be fine, relax."

"It won't. I'm so going back, and that's it."

"I won't let you go by yourself... It's dangerous and moms would definitely kill me if something happened to you." Y/N responded with a sigh. "I guess I'm coming with you... Let me go get my backpack."

"That's not necessary. I guess I..."

"You're staying? Great. That worked so well... Come on..." Y/N jumped enthusiastically as she nodded to the path back to where their group are. "I swear it's fine, we did this last year with some seniors, and no one got possessed."

"Y/N, what are you talking about?" Rose asked in a shocked tone.

"What you heard. It's fine. Please, stay with us and... I'll... " Y/N seemed to think about it for a moment. "Do your homework for half a month."

"Ugh... tempting... Okay, fine." Rose smirked, taking her sister's hand. "Let's go back."

"Wait what? Really? Cool. Come on." Y/N nodded enthusiastically as she started walking. "Just when I thought you'd be scared to death to even come back. Nice to know you are overcoming your fears."

"I am not scared!" Rose protested, crossing her arms. "I-I just rather be home."

"Oh! Come on, Rosey. Ghosts are not even real... Don't worry."

"Then why are you even here? If you don't believe ghosts exist."

"Because... It's fun. Who comes to a cementery in the witching hour? No one." Y/N responded with shrugg.

"You're weird."

"Shut up and keep walking." Y/N chuckled, giving her a reasuring squeeze in the hand. "I swear there's no such thing as ghosts, so yeah we will be fine."

"What if we are not?"

"What the worst that could happen?"

"We could get killed, cursed, or worse, possessed by some horrible demon." Rose mumbled in a low voice.

Mother/daughter one shots: EO, WM, SJ, NRWhere stories live. Discover now