Fair ( C. Hudson & C. D'Amelio)

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Chase Hudson- 36 Years Old, Married To Charli, Has A Kid With Her
Charli D'Amelio- 34 Year Old, Married To Chase, Has A Kid With Him
Charlotte Marie D'Amelio- Hudson- 15 Years Old, Sophomore In High School, Very Shy & Kept To Herself, Very Smart, Is An Honor Student, Has Her LIcense, Drives Herself To School, Has Her own Car


                                                                          At School

Charlotte: * spent almost 3 weeks working on her biology project that is worth 60% of her final grade for the first semester*

Charli: you got this baby girl

Charlotte: I hope I get a good grade

Chase: of course, you will little miss valedictorian of her class

Charlotte: * smiles* okay * goes outside, puts her project, her purse, and her backpack in her car, gets in the driver's seat, buckles up, waves to her parents*

Charli & Chase: * waves back*

Charlotte: * drives off* 

                                                                    At School

Charlotte: * parks in her parking spot, unbuckles, gets out, gets her purse, backpack, and project, walks into the building*


Charlotte: * goes to her locker, unlocks her locker, puts the textbooks she took home back in her locker, closes her locker, goes to Biology since it's her first class of the day*

                                                                Biology Classroom

Ms. Carmen: please leave your projects on the back table

Charlotte: * puts her project on the back table by itself, sits down at her desk, pulls out her phone, scrolls through Tik-Tok*

Ms. Carmen: Charlotte, put that phone away

Charlotte: yes ma'am * puts her phone in her purse, looks around, sees almost everyone else is on their phones, knows Ms. Carmen, hates her for some reason, and isn't fair with her at all*

Ms. Carmen: Charlotte, come here

Charlotte: * gets up, goes to her desk* yes ma'am?

Ms. Carmen: your skirt is too short, and you were on your phone, go to the office

Charlotte: but...

Ms. Carmen: nope, go to the office now young lady

Charlotte: * sighs* yes ma'am * goes to the office* 


Ms. Tara: yes Ms. D'Amelio-Hudson?

Charlotte: * hands her the slip Ms. Carmen gave her*

Ms. Tara: * reads it* come around the counter

Charlotte: * goes around the counter*

Ms. Tara: * looks at her skirt* your skirt isn't too short, I don't know what she is talking about

Charlotte: I don't know either

Ms. Tara: go back to class * gives her a pass*

Charlotte: * takes it, goes back to class* 

                                                                         Biology Class

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