2 Dads ( R. Storms & N. Austin)

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Ryland Storms, 32 years old, Married To Nick, Adopted A Kid With Him
Nick Austin, 33 years old, Married To Ryland, Adopted A Kid With Him
Kye Angel Austin-Storms, 12 years old, was adopted as a newborn 


Kye: * gets home from school, puts her stuff away* hey dad, hey daddy

Ryland: hey girlie, how was school?

Kye: it was good except for that jackass who keep making fun of me for having 2 dads

Nick: 2 is better than 1 or not having one at all

Ryland: baby, people will talk about you till the day you die, you have to learn how to ignore them and walk away 

Kye: it's so insulting to ask me if I'm gay just because I have 2 dads

Nick: it is but you have to ignore them 

Kye: I try but it's so hard, I don't like people talking badly about my family 

Ryland: no one likes people talking badly about their family but like I said people will do it until the day you die and even then they will still talk about you

Kye: I hate it so much, it makes me so mad

Nick: it's okay baby, just ignore them and walk away

Kye: ill try 

Nick: good, love you, baby

Kye: love you too dad

Ryland: what about me?

Kye; I love you too daddy 

-all 3 of them get in a big family hug-

Hope you guys/girls/non-binary/a-gender people are enjoying my book so far, if you made it to the end of this chapter, comment " Litter Bug" and as always be safe, be nice to each other, and have a great day!!!!
                                                                                                              Luv Infinite <3

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