Blended Family ( A. Gregg & A. Reeves)

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Anthony Reeves, 34 Years Old, Married To Avani, Has 2 Boys With His Ex, Has 1 Daughter With Avani, Accepts Avani's Kid As His Own 
Avani Gregg, 32 Years Old, Married To Anthony, Has 1 Girl With Her Ex, Has 1 Daughter With Anthony, Accepts Anthony's Kids As Her Own
Blake Grayson Reeves, 10 Years Old, Loves His Step Siblings And Half-Sister As If They Were His Real Siblings
Jay Luca Reeves, 8 Years Old, Loves His Step Siblings And Half-Sister As If They Were His Real Siblings
Alice Grace Gregg, 5 Years Old, Loves Her Step Siblings And Half-Sister As If They Were Her Real Siblings
Gemma Marie Gregg-Reeves, 3 Years Old, Loves Her Step Siblings As If They Were Her Real Siblings


Blake, Jay, & Alice: * gets home from school, takes off their shoes, puts their shoes and backpacks away, puts their water bottles and lunchboxes in the kitchen*

Gemma: bubbas, sissy!!

Blake: hey Gem

Jay: what's up Gems?

Alice: hey Gemma

Gemma: What you do at school?

Blake: nothing much

Jay: same

Alice: just learning stuff

Gemma: otay, let go play 

Blake: I got homework, maybe later * goes to his room, starts his homework*

Jay: same, maybe later * goes to his room, starts his homework* 

Alice: we can play

Gemma: otay yay!!!

Alice: what do you want to play?

 Gemma: dollies!!!

Alice: okay * goes with Gemma, plays dolls with her*

Hope you guys/girls/non-binary/a-gender people are enjoying my book so far, if you made it to the end of this chapter, comment " Apple Jack Pancakes", and as always be safe, be nice to each other, and have a great day!!!
                                                                                                                    Luv Infinite <3

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