Falling Asleep ( P. Taylor & J. Dean)

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Paige Taylor- 28 Years Old, Married To Jackson, Has 2 Kids With Him
Jackson Dean- 29 years Old, Married To Paige, Has 2 Kids With Her
Noah Jackson Taylor- 6 Years Old, Loves His Baby Sister, Total Daddy's Boy
Allison Rose Taylor- 2 Years Old, Total Mama's Girl, Loves Her Older Brother


                                                                            2: 30 AM

Paige: * driving home from a family trip they were taking*

Jackson: * asleep, in the front passenger seat*

Noah: * asleep, in his car seat*

Allison: * asleep, in her car seat*

Paige: * very sleepy but keeps driving* 

                                                            15 Minutes Later

Paige: * keeps drifting in and out of sleep*

Jackson: * wakes up when Paige keeps drifting in and out of their lane* baby? * groans, rubs his eyes, groggy* Paige? * shakes her arm*

Paige: * asleep* 

Jackson: PAIGE! * tries to control the wheel but it's too late*

- Paige crashes the car, the airbags deploy, and the sound of glass breaking rings in Jackson's ears as he drifts unconscious-

Noah: * knocked out from the force of the crash*

Allison: * woken up from the sounds, crying, trapped in her car seat* MOMMY! DADDY! BUBBA! * sobs*

- no one answers-

Allison: * bleeding, has glass in her face and arms, gets to Jackson's phone which flew into the backseat when the impact happened, calls 911*

Dispatcher: 911, what's your emergency?

Allison: chi don knwow wat happened bwut iwt dwark, wd chi bleeding, wd mommy, daddy owr bubba will answer mwe! * cries* ( i don't know what happened but it's dark, and I'm bleeding, and mommy, daddy, or daddy will answer me!)

Dispatcher: okay sweetie, where are you?

Allison: iwn mwy mommy's cwar, owr awtlweast dhat's da wast place chi remweber bweing ( in my mommy's car, or at least that's the last place I remember being) 

Dispatcher: how old are you hunny? what's your name?

Allison: mwy nwame ish Allison Taylor wd chi ish 2 ( my name is Allison Taylor and I am 2)

Dispatcher: can you see where you are?

Allison: nu sir, chi trapped iwn mwy cwar sweat, chi cwant swee awnyfing bwecwause mwy cwarsewat ish bwack fwacing ( no sir, I'm trapped in my car seat, I can't see anything because my car seat is back facing)

Dispatcher: can you see out of a window?

Allison: wes sir ( yes sir)

Dispatcher: what do you see?

Allison: a gwas station, iwt 7-11 ( a gas station, it's a 7-11)

Dispatcher: Okay, how old are your mommy, daddy, and brother? and can you tell me their full names?

Allison: mwy mommy's name is Paige Taylor, shwe ish 28, mwy daddy's name ish Jackson Dean, hwe ish 29, wd mwy bubba's name is Noah Taylor, hwe ish 6 ( my mommy's name is Paige Taylor, she is 28, my daddy's name is Jackson Dean, he is 29, and my bubba's name is Noah Taylor, and he is 6)

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